nipple stimulation..

edited October 2011 in Labor
so i was reading your supposed to do one nipple for 1 min then stop for 2-4min .. how long do you do this for.. 30min.. and then how long should you break inbetween the resting time.. cause i read it can hyperstimulate and i would not want that to happen? @homebirthadvocate


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  • Thanks @homebirthadvocate ive been havin contractions for about three days theyer uncomfortable but not painfull I
    WAMted to see if they would regulate :o)
  • Is it true you can use a breast pump to help bring on contractions?
  • yep.. it will bring them on but they will only stay if your baby and body are ready and close.. its like if youve been haveing contractions.. for a while but theyre not doing much you can try and make them stronger.. or kick them up a notch.. so far im guessing my lil man has his own agenda lol :p @Samantha
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