should I call my dr. or is this normal?

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
This is kinda gross/tmi/embarrassing but im starting to get nervous. For at least the past week I have been getting intestinal cramping and having these huge pooops at least once a day.Like so big that I feel like its more than What im eating if That's possible. This is not normal for me at all. And they arnt coming easy for me either I have to push pretty hard to get everything out. Im scared about that BC in a ftm who is on bed rest for preterm labor ( at week 31 nothing since then though and now im about 34) and im scared Of pushing to hard and something bad happening.... also im scared that im getting dehydrated and malnourished BC I am pooping so Much I don't know how my body could possibly be getting the things it needs before it all comes back out again. So as I said this is gross and tmi and frankly very embarrassing but I am looking for either people to tell me its normal so I can calm down or that I need to call Dr so I Can figure out what's going on. Thanks preglies! Love u guys!


  • It never hurts to call your doctor. This would not be a normal thing for me, but I have no idea if its within normal for pregnancy
  • Thank you for the response!
  • I remember going through a phase around then where my poo was massive. I was like wow!! Lol. Maybe it is normal? But i see your concern with pushimg to hard. I'm sure your doctor has an answer for you!
  • I have pooped a lot more the last few weeks, but its been soft, not quite diarrhea but not normal...I talked to my midwife about it and she said its nothing to worry about. I don't know if thats helpful? Maybe just call to double check. :)
  • @sara102011 thank you that makes me feel better.
    @surprisebaby yes that is exactly What it is! Very helpful thank You!
  • Anyone else had this?
  • I had it towards the end of my pregnancy.. my dr said it was normal, its the bodys way of cleaning out before baby comes.she also said its a sign that labor is near but 2 weeks passed and no labor lol
  • @lily_glz thank you for the response. How much longer after this happened dis u actually go into labor? Or are you still pregnant? My bun needs to cook a few more weeks!
  • Sorry just read your other post and see that u had your baby. So back to the 1st part of My question of how long after did u actually go into labor? Lol
  • I'm having the same thing to the point to which I lost 3 pounds since monday. And I'm only 30 weeks so this baby needs to stay in little longer oh and I've had braxton hicks since like 27 weeks but the past week they have been happening like 2 at least every hour
  • @Jules I haven't weighed myself so Idk if I have lost any weight but I haven't gained any at my last 2 Dr appts. I get braxton Hicks a lot too and actually went into pre term once as well. Hmm I wonder if there are any facts to back this up.
  • edited October 2011
    I wanna know too. So they put u on bed rest cause u went into labor? I wonder if the bh have anything to do with it? And how do you know when your in pre term labor like what happened? @314babymama1120
  • Yes the put me on br because of that and because of the type of work I do. I am a personal trainer so very physical work. I was having contractions That were becoming closer together and stronger and my cervix was thinning out at 31 weeks. Yeah maybe all the bh Are making us poop so much!
  • Yes I have had this I was pooping once a day and they were huge And clogging my toilet lol.
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