this world is becoming a sick place

edited October 2011 in Current Events
There's so much evil in the world. I think it's time to change it. Let's bring back love and God into our lives and make the world a better place for our children. I'm so sick to my stomach with all the violence. Every little thoughtful deed helps.


  • That's true. Its sad how things are now.
  • @Samantha people say they want a better world but yet they don't help by letting stuff be okay. I wish it was back in the 50s lol.
  • I remember when a movie had curse words it was rated r but now pg is allowed to curse. Can you imagine what our babies will be watching when they are ten? It will probably have porn in cartoons. We need boundaries again. Little girls are wearing short shorts and boots and patents wonder why there are pedifiles lurking. The road to he'll is an easy road but the road to heaven is hard. The Foster the people song makes me Ill. It brings back memories of the school shooting.
  • A lot of it is the parents I was raised to do what ever I wanted now I'm not like that at all and my daughter will be raised strict
  • the world has always had violence and evil in it..were are just more aware of it now..
  • I feel the same way. I remember when you wouldn't here any kind of cussing on the radio. The hosts weren't allowed to be so vulgar. Now that's all I hear on the radio and on TV. No wonder kids are so rude and having sex so young now. Then we question why! It really makes me sick.
  • I hate how every song you hear has to be about sex. That's all rap songs are sex, money, n drugs its really annoying. N I hate sluty little girls its like come on wat happened to simple sun dresses n dress codes that didn't even let u wear spaghetti straps. It's sad
  • You took the thoughts right out of my head!
  • I agree with @nameless. It's always been around but with media these days and everyone is so connected we just hear about it more. There's still a lot of good its just the media gets more attention when broadcasting the bad stuff.
  • I miss how when we were young it was pretty safe to play outside now it's not. The sad thing is I was at an amusement park in August and these two young boys were cussing left and right. It was sad cause you could tell what they will be like if they don't change. I really think we need to change things
  • I somewhat agree with @nameless and @ redhead25 however I think that 1) the fact that media displays all the evil bad stuff more often younger and younger people Are becoming desensitized to these bad things and more likely to think they Are okay 2) some cultures embrace crime as a way of life 3) people don't treat each other as kindly and with as much respect anymore. More rudeness and less manners
  • @314babymama1120 I agree plus today society thinks this is okay. We need to start focusing in and bringing out the good again.
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