my birth story! so worth it! i get to go home TONIGHT!
So, none of the induction methods were working and I was getting frustrated, upset, and very sad! I decided to give up and refused any more induction doctor wanted to give me a csection. Sunday night I made them stop, I was STILL a 5/5.5 and my waters were bulging.
Monday I acted like I was fine, not having a horrible pregnancy, not emotional and frustrated, just a happy mommy. I spent a lot of time in the courtyard and it was beautiful!
At 4pm my water broke, it was a large gush that dripped down my legs.
at 4:45 my contractions started, at first they were 10min apart and quickly got closer. Around 6pm I started feeling like I need to push, they checked me and I was an 8. 15min later I told the doctor again I wanted to push, still was at an 8 but had no cervix left. 5min later my other doctor came in and I said "I don't care anymore I need to push!!" I was still at 0 station, the doctor said fine and with one push she was crowning already!! Two or three more pushes and my beautiful baby was born!
I got the delayed cord clamping I desperately wanted! And the whole birth was awesome. I gave birth sitting up! They lowered my legs and I had one doctor sitting on either side of me. It was awesome not having my knees in my cheeks!
She was 5lbs 10oz!!
Monday I acted like I was fine, not having a horrible pregnancy, not emotional and frustrated, just a happy mommy. I spent a lot of time in the courtyard and it was beautiful!
At 4pm my water broke, it was a large gush that dripped down my legs.
at 4:45 my contractions started, at first they were 10min apart and quickly got closer. Around 6pm I started feeling like I need to push, they checked me and I was an 8. 15min later I told the doctor again I wanted to push, still was at an 8 but had no cervix left. 5min later my other doctor came in and I said "I don't care anymore I need to push!!" I was still at 0 station, the doctor said fine and with one push she was crowning already!! Two or three more pushes and my beautiful baby was born!
I got the delayed cord clamping I desperately wanted! And the whole birth was awesome. I gave birth sitting up! They lowered my legs and I had one doctor sitting on either side of me. It was awesome not having my knees in my cheeks!
She was 5lbs 10oz!!
@myasmommy2009 Cord clamping is when they wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before they clamp it off and cut it. It helps give the baby oxygen and good red blood cells they need. They didn't wait until it stopped pulsating all the way but they waited a long time and they helped push the blood down!
@mrz_jackson2anpreggo it was much harder this time not find out because one I knew how much easier it would have been to shop, and two because I literally had 100s of ultrasounds Haha but I didn't find out with either and its amazing! When they told us it was a girl I told my husband 'i told you so' which I never get to do Haha
@everyone thank you! We just got word from the nurse that the doctor is on his way down to discharge us! We are going home!