I really dislike the newborn stage

edited October 2011 in Ages & Stages
Yea, I love the bonding and cute things. But I can't do shit! Awake = attatched to boob, pooping, everything requires holding, otherwise she cries. And she wakes easily, cant get anything done.


  • i completly understand! elizabeth has been attched to me all day!! shes sleeping right now though thank god
  • Aw I looove the newborn stage!
  • soak it up mama cause its gone before you know it :(
  • Annd it doesnt help that daddy would rather play xbox at night whrn I'm the most annoyed after doing all this by myself all day, cooking dinner, needing to pack. I wouldnt complain if I were single, but I'm not.
  • eeeekkkk yeah i totally feel you on that one!!! its not easy when thats going on.....very overwelming and frustrating!!! so tell him you need him to step it up!!!!
  • I know it is :/ and I'll miss it. But i just wanna use my hands.
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  • Girl that's how my babygirl is but soon it'll be different and we'll wish they were still little and attached to us all the time
  • Im in the same boat! Baby doesn't let me have 5 min and bd when he's home doesn't help w baby a whole lot :/ especially when he's crying.. Its tough and idk how to tell him I need more from him without the "I work my ass off for u and my son!" Blah blah blah. That's nice and all but I spend 24/7 w our son and you run free as a bird.. don't get me wrong, I love spending my days w my baby But I would also like some me time to get my nails done or something else relaxing.
  • Id hide the xbox lol and say here's a list u do it and ull get it back lol
  • I will swap your newborn with my 2yo son anytime lol I love love love the newborn stage... Cant wait till my princess is here
  • Lol, i love the toddler stage!
  • Oh then we should swap... The terrible 2's are killing me!!! He gets frustrated... Then I get frustrated... Then we yell at each other... Then we eat lollies together to try to forget what we were mad about to begin with lol
  • My daughter is the same way. I was just saying last night that Idk if I'm gonna wanna go through this again with a second child. Other ppl have happy babies though, it makes me sad :(
  • Have you tried a baby sling? She can be attached and you can have your arms free for XBOX smashing.
  • I'm dealing with the same thing... I don't get a spare min with my four week old son. Let's just say,ill go all day without eating,taking a shower ha that's funny. I feel a mess
  • I didn't like the newborn stage either and I did t miss it! They become so much more fun and easier to handle around 3 months! Now that my son is 16months old, its a whole other kind of getting nothing done lol but its much more fun :)
  • I honestly think it's harder if they're breastfeeding. I know my son constantly wants to be on the boob.
  • I feel the same way. My 4week old son is constantly crying, he never cries during day time but as soon as we lay down for bed he starts.screaming & fussing for hours. My bf doesn't help at all. He thinks I should be doing everything since he works to support me & baby. I'm like geez can I get a break! It doesn't help st all w/ppd..sometimes I don't even wanna get close to baby :( but I hope things get better for all you ladies :D
  • Thankfully she doesnt cry much. She wants to be laying on me (or us). When i lay her down sometimes i try to put a pillow on her to maybe trick her, it doesnt work. Idk, I'll have to figure something iut to keep her asleep.
  • Ladies I know exactly how u feel. I'm still going through this
  • Since the pillow doesnt work it soinds like she likes to hear your heartbeat and feel your warmth, so I would def get a sling and carry her in that...that way you can stuff done during the day. As for the daddy problem...just tell him that he helped make her so now he needs to hrlp take care of her! Its not like your asking him to do it all the time..just a little so you can get other things done.
  • @mszcastillo same with my 2wk old daughter, she loves to be with me. And I can't put her down at night to sleep or she will wake up, so she sleeps with me bc who are us moms kidding we need sleep too!!
  • I was JUST thinking this earlier! My little guy's not so bad, but his naps aren't that long and it's hard to stop in the middle of a project. We moved 2 weeks before I delivered and we're still getting stuff unpacked and put away. Although I'm using the term "we" a little too loosely.
    My husband really has been so fantastic up until the past 4 days. He keeps updating and installing new things on his phone (he's a computer nerd so he loves messing around with and discovering this kind of stuff) and he literally hasn't spent much time with us. And it's the same as you, he comes home and I just want a moment to myself to shower or whatever and he just sits there messing with his phone ...also words with friends.
    I feel such a rush to get things unpacked and put away as both our parents are coming out for our baby's blessing the first week in December and we're going out of town on Thanksgiving weekend so we REALLY don't have a lot of time to get this stuff done. He just doesn't seem to get it. All he's done in the past 4 days is mess with his phone, play words with friends and make fun of me for not washing the dishes well enough. He thought he was being cute and flirty. Not cute at all.
    *Whew* thanks for letting me get all of THAT out of my system!
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