
edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm nervous about them flipping the baby have any one had this some before....I'm prepaired for everything but this lol


  • I juat went through this! Ill bump my post you. Btw it ended in a c/s.
  • Also if you have any questions just ask as you'll see I tried everything!
  • I'm trying to avoid a cs bc my hubbie can't miss a lot of work I'm on medical leave lol no money but him @Diverwfe
  • Well hopefully your lo will flip. Or you can deliver breech the US is pretty muchh the only developed country that still won't deliver breech. The ACOG is setting new standards on it, saying that its just as safe if not safer than a cs. So if you can find someone that will deliver breech go for it just make sure they know what they are doing. Its only dangerous when you have someone who doesn't know what to do and in the US most obs and midwives don't. You can youtuube some breech births they afe pretty cool to see! For me it wasn't an option bc in out whole area only one midwife delivered breech and she didn't do ftms.
  • I have a feeling cause I was breach she's gunna be the same as me she already is like me according to my mom I'm carrying the same w mine as she did w me which is super low lol @Diverwfe
  • How far along are you? With Shyla she was also really low and I actually thought she was engaged but she was breech. I felt all her movements below my belly button and I always felt a hard lump near my belly button and above. I assumed that was her butt well it was her head, I guess their butt is softer. Also she tricked me cuase Id feel her hiccups low like against my hip bones and pelvis. She was like that probably since around 30 wks for me. It didn't seem like their was any reason for her to be in that position she just dug her fit into my hips and refused to move. My little girl has proven herself to be quite stubborn just like her daddy!
  • Also try not to worry too much only like 3% of babies are breech and stay breech up to birth.
  • In my area, most midwives do breech, I do too. Most obs and hospitals don't just us home birth midwives which is sad
  • Where are you @bahamamama4828. I'm just hoping the US will catch up with everyone else and start delivering breech.
  • @Diverwfe il be 35 weeks on monday and i always feel her head around where the placenta is its like her pillow i only feel her move at the bottom or a little on the sides the only time ive felt her highter is when she has hick-ups thats it lol
    @amyduh whats that lol ftm im good at raising them just havent had one of my own lol
    @Bahamamama4828 and i wish the only reason why too i dont want a c sect is bc im breast feeding and i dont want the medicine for pain to leak to her im gunna be a stay at home mom for a while so ill have the time and paitence to do it and keep at it and im lucky for that one i love my hubbie for working so hard for us lol :)
  • Looks like breach delivery looks less painfull then regular lol
  • Dont worry about the breastfeeding I had a c/s and we are.doing great they even made me wait 3hrs to see my girl.just get help if you need it and as soon as you get your lo take off their clothes and your top and do skin to skin.
  • I don't want to scare you AND EVERYONE IS friend did the thing where 2 dr.s got on either side of her belly and tried to push the baby into the correct head down position. She said it was extremely painful for her. On the plus side, they dd it and she didn't have to have a c/s.

    You are only 35 weeks, they is still time she will turn on her own, as well.

    I hope all goes well for you and you get the labor/ delvery you want! Good Luck!
  • Thankies :) I just have a feeling she's gunna be early that's all lol his family agrees too lol
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