i cant believe how bad

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
The acid reflux/heartburn is in my 9th month! Omg its terrible pain! I've been up with it the past 2 nights. Not fun. I thought it was bad before.. HA its like a bazillion times worse now!


  • Yup me too. No fun and I caught whatever my husband had so now im sick too. :-(
  • O wow its crazy what the 3rd tri brings. My heartburn started last week. I had to buy Tums last night. Atleast I know what I have to look forward to:(
  • Its ten times worse when I eat pasta sauce but I cant resist sometimes. Sometimes I have a side of ice to help...lol
  • Well hopefully it goes away once baby is born, cause there's no way I'm gonna put up with this forever.. no way jose! Lol I heard vinegar helps too.. my girl who had her daughter in august said she took shots of vinegar sometimes cause it was so bad. If I had any in the house last night I would've tried it.
  • The vinegar did work but very briefly. And when it mixed with my acid i thought I was gonna vomit.
  • Is acid reflux when u burp and a throw up taste goes back up your throat? Bcuz I get that alot now that im pregnant
  • Ive got it pretty bad too! Keep me awake a lot! I take rennies during the nite and that helps so much! Not eating after 6pm also help
  • I've gotten heartburn pretty bad the whole time. Especially when i lay down. Milk has been my savior! I just down a glass of milk and ta da! Heartburn is bye bye all night!
  • Talk to ur ob they can have u take zantac I think its called or previsid the whole milk works for mine when I have it
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