Att. all old school preglys!!!!

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies I miss u all so much just wanted to say hi!!!! And if any of u r on pregly fb I don't have fb so please tell everyone hi from me its just not the same here anymore :((


  • Make a facebook!!
  • Pregly on fb is poppin. You should make one!
  • Awe miss u too
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  • wish I could "family drama"
  • edited October 2011
    I want to be on the facebook page someone add please email is and @momof22be I understand the drama of facebook and home my husband was in mine more than me looking for god knows what ugh!
  • Exactly that is my "family drama" that and my family calling everytime anyone posts anything and freaking if anyone takes a vacation lmfao @queennique its almost pointless
  • My husband thinks social networks should be red taped hes so insecure
  • Men! And will swear up and down they aren't insecure... Either that or guilty about something!
  • Exactly how I feel @queennique mine has been guilty especially when blaming me for some random shiz
  • I want to be added to the fb page, can someone add me?
  • I changed my password and he flipped and I am like wait hold up what the hell you mad for why were you checking my facebook?? I'm like seriously if you are that damn concern about a public forum then apparently you don't need one either. I am not friends with too many people he don't know however his is full of girls he supposely grew up with and I'm like I don't know them and when the last time you seen them in person lol. Its funny as hell. We banned ourselves from myspace which was corny but I agreed and then he gets mad when I tweet however every time I tweet he get a text. @momof22be
  • edited October 2011
    Men....... @queennique I don't understand why some of them feel they need to control it just pushes us further away mine won't even take me dancing because that's fir "single people" give me a break when we met I was in dance co. And he knows that ggggggrrrrrrr
  • Add me plz
  • I agree its not the same. :'(. I'm thinkin bout re activatin my fb so I can b on there. Idk anyone an no one knos me anymore :-|
  • edited October 2011
    @Jsmyonlylove I'm with you Ive been thinking about doing the same it is so dull on here... some of the post stay on the top of the page for days LOL that's how you know its not the same
  • Yeah. Pregly fb is awesome!
  • Make a fb and have your name something different strictly for Pregly fb
  • My honey doesn't want a FB.. BUT.. is entertain reading mine. No biggie for me. I downloaded my fb on his phone too so I can still access it when mine is charging. When he's bored at work he reads through it. I'm like who cares.. as long as he can't access my pregly acct. This place is like my diary... I say things and share stuff I'm not suppose to.. RMAO!
  • I deactivated my fb but wish I hadnt now! I cant reactivate it either it'd cause wayyy to much drama. My daughter has it tho so maybe I can piggy back hers?!?
  • Wait theres a pregly fb ? Im a lil lost lol
  • Ive requested to join the names Bethany ormsby-jones can someone add me please. My daughter hardly uses her fb an im checkin it more than her so might as well enjoy it lol
  • When you guys google your name it will pull up this thread with your email. Wow!
  • Pregly OGs!! :)))) \:D/
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  • Whats pregly facebook?
  • Can someone add me on pregly for adults on Facebook please my e-mail is
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
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