Good luck and try to enjoy it. I went in at 6 am started pit at 7ish and had my baby girl at 12:37pm the same day. So everyone is different but try and sleep if you can. Good luck and congratulations.
Well contractions r starting to hurt...not really bad, but not good....she said if I can't sleep thru them she give me iv pain meds. But I think I just wAnna stick with the epi only. @adri805@Mrs4c@augustmommy2b@myheartzx3@mrz_Jackson2anpreggo I had an ambience around 11 but they r keeping me awake....owwwwww.
I would definitely go with the epidural instead of IV pain meds. I had IV pain meds with my first And I felt soooo drugged and out of it And I still felt pain. With The epidural you're aware of everything and feel nothing! Its awesome... good luck! Hope you get to meet baby very soon!
I got the epi. The contractions will start to come super hard like with pitocin. My experience with the epi was great too. I was aware of everything without much pain. Less pain than a period for sure.
I got induced had cytotec, had to get 3doses then they started pitocin&broke my water bag that next morning, wen my contractions got worse I made the mistake of getting the iv drug(I was scared of epi), it knocked me out but I was up in bout 30min & could still feel pain(it made me drowsy the whole labor), had 2 get the epi anyway 2 relieve pain! Good Luck!
Holy sh*t I'm still in labor!!! Started contracting HARD from 10-11 am then got my water broke and omg they were so bad, I finally got the epi and soooooo much better but I'm just not progressing....finally pitocin around 4 and now r increasing my dose every 20-30 minutes. (I'm 4cm) They want her out by midnight or so!! I been in labor for over 24 hours!!!!! This is my hell!! @missq1sttimemommy2b@mommyof3tobe@lineage22@Mrsthompson34@darknesofnight4u@Mrs4c@mrz_Jackson2anpreggo sry if I left anyone out:)
I feel ur pain, atleast u got the epi already I was in labor 26+ hrs & only got to 4cm ended in c-section, so Good luck hope things progress for u & baby a safe delivery!
Had to have a c section....:( it was/is torture. I'm in excruciating pain and she was born at 12:12am 7lbs 1.6oz 19 1/8nches. She's perfect in every way and by far the mist beautiful baby I've ever seen:) I'm in love. It's totally worth all the pain I'm in
@adri805 @Mrs4c @augustmommy2b @myheartzx3 @mrz_Jackson2anpreggo I had an ambience around 11 but they r keeping me awake....owwwwww.
you must be super excited!
i know i was :]
have fun!
@missq1sttimemommy2b @mommyof3tobe @lineage22 @Mrsthompson34 @darknesofnight4u @Mrs4c @mrz_Jackson2anpreggo sry if I left anyone out:)