please dont judge but i need ur help!!!!!

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I am 5 weld pp and I just stooped bleeding a few days ago we have been having sex since 1 week and 1 or 2 days my hubby doesn't believe that I can get preggo again since it took 7 years to get preggo this time due to me not ovulating well I have pcos anyway he refuses protection and says he will pull out and then doesn't or does but like halfway through anyway I want to start birth control but I want to make sure I'm not preggo how long should I wait to test? And when should af show? I know I can't just blame him its my fault too....


  • First your husband is naive to think you can't get pregnant no matter what you have. I think you should put your foot down about using protection. (Just my opinion)
    But I've heard different stories on when your period comes back. I think it can be diff for everyone. As far as testing...I think they give you a pregnancy test at your 6 week pp appt if you tell them you've had sex. Good luck!
  • If af doesnt come, to know for sure I would do a blood test at the hospital to know for sure before going on bc
  • They aren't going to give me a 6 week because I just went Monday I told them I had sex and they didn't so a teat my doc thinks I am not since I'm bf but I think that's a bunch of garbage and that is another reason my hubby was saying that oooohhhhh he pisses me off and yes very naive he couldn't even understand what a vbac was I had to explain it like 500 times and no I'm not exaggerating lol @mimii36 @amab13 I don't want to feel like a jackass that's why I want to home test first lol
  • @mrsthompson34 my af doesn't usually come anyway because of the pcos so how long should I wait all I know is when I ovulate even when on clomid I ovulate two weeks after the "normal"
  • Your doctor should do blood work before putting you onto bc. If he doesn't request it!
  • @momofsoontobe7 I will I just dont know when to test because any time I've been pregnant before and the doc said it would show for sure on a blood test it didn't for another two weeks I'm so eekkked out
  • Awe... well plus your body is all out of wack too so its hard telling when you would start your period esp. If you are breast feeding.
  • I know I think ill just wait like another month and then test but condoms for now @momofsoontobe7 thanks Hun. :)
  • Go to the Dr and they can do a blood test and then put you on bc.
  • I think your only guarantee will be from a blood test..not a home test until your period comes back. Breastfeeding is NOT birth control!! Your doc should know that! Tell him to test you!
  • No problem. Good luck hun! Stay safe lol ;-)
  • @proudmomma I will thanks Hun
    @mimii36 no kidding my doc is so smart to say that in the presence of my hubby lol
    @momofaoontobe7 I will. ;)
  • Just like someone said above just tell ur doc on ur 6 week check up u had sex & u want blood work done before going on bc n u dont trust urine test bc of u have pcos. I had to take clomid to get prego too. Sometimes a urine test wont work for me so to b on the safe side do blood work good luck :)
  • @mrsthompson34 I don't get one because I just had one on Monday so they said see u in a year but I think I'm going to call tomorrow. :) thanks hun
  • That is so scary. I hope your not. Tell your hubby no more sex lol. Ok, i know how hard that is. Lol. Im sorry. Let me know what your dr says. Now your dr isnt being so smart. Its suppose to be my dr who's stupid. Lol.
  • Just keep in mind it can take up to 12 days after fertilization to even show on a blood test...
  • Maybe he wants another baby right away and just doesn't want to tell you. But yes I would request a blood draw done before you go on bc. And if your doc won't do it. Go to a different doc.
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