Cervix Check....by a man

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
It is so funny to me, my first half of my pregnancy I was living in Indianapolis, Indiana and I had a female doctor. When I moved to Denver Co at 22 weeks I got a male doctor and everything was already checked like blood, cervix, and all that good stuff....so now that I am 37 weeks I have an appt on monday and he told me he would check my cervix... LOL well now im like geeze I love my doctor he is so great...but he has never had to go near my vagina before LOL I guess im just nervous cuz he actually has to stick his fingers in me LOL! BTW im having a c-section on 11/11/11 so he wont even see my vagina then lol oh man.


  • All the ob.s here are male so i didn't have a choice lol
  • @heyitsme really! That is awesome! I did NOT like my female O.B she was so non caring...but my new doctor cares alot so Ive grown close to him...but not this close...I feel like we are take our relationship to another level LMAO!
  • Lol I understand, wen I 1st got pregnant I searched hard for a woman doctor because I was so uncomfortable of the ides of a man checking me. Then the doctor I chose had 2 other(Male) doctors at the offcie, needless to say I was stuck wit a male dr. Wen the nurse told me 2 undress waist down & the dr would be in to check me I was like "huh" lol. I got use it tho & had a c-section too by !
  • I've always had a man doctor. I didn't feel comfortable with a female sticking their fingers up my crotch. Lol. Or looking at my vajayjay. Lol.
  • I've had a female Dr and a male Dr and its weird and uncomfortable either way lol....I feel so awkward just putting my legs up n wide open while my fachina is all like hello! Lol hate it hate it hate it :/
  • I had to change Drs half way through my pregnancy too and it happened to be from a female to a male and I like my dude ob sooooo much better. The woman seemed so mean and uncaring and was much more rough When checking me.
  • I'm so jealous of your babies birthday!! Lol
  • I've had male & female obs. The female one tends to be meaner. I adore my male ob! He delivered my son (yes, vaginally). Trust me durring labor, you don't care who looks at your girl parts! But every female ob seemed meaner.
  • I prefer male doctors and go to a male gyno because every female I have had is far more careless and hurt me alot more than the males. But for the birth of my son I had female midwives and will again thus time, midwives seem so much more caring than doctors
  • i have only had a male dr except one check up by a girl...i love my dr he delivered me &now he will deliver my baby.. so its a double whamy he is a guy & kinda old lol.. i think girl drs would be bitchy-the whole i been there done that get over it thing. male drs can only imaginre our pain
  • My ob was actually my pediatrician (sp) when I was little.. haha so it's really weird that he's all up in my lady business now
  • I've had two female obgyns so far this pregnancy... Both bad, the second worse than the first! she just doesn't care about me or baby and has a major attitude towards me! next time in trying either a mid wife male obgyn. If I didn't have less than 3 weeks I would change drs again.
  • I loved my male doctor. He was so nice and was really gentle. Whenever I went to the hospital the female doctor hurt me while checking my cervix but my doctor came in and it was painless.
  • Well my experience has been the complete opposite my male ob was mean rude and judgemental about me being young but my female ob is just great
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