I don't want a csection either! I had all 3 of my daughters vaginally and I hope to do the same with this one as well. Good luck to u @darknesofnight4u!
@mommimisha this stupid phone. anyway yeah I'm gonna start self inducing at 36 1/2 wks so maybe he'll come on. started getting irregular contractions today and he dropped some more today and these cramps r ugh. reminding me of my period #ugh
@perfectlyimperfect you should suggest to your doctor what is called a "version" its where they'll give u a shot to relax the cervix & then manually from the outside attempt to turn her. They'll only attempt it if your 36 or later cause sometimes it can kick you into labor. My baby was transverse until a few months ago and turned on her own (my sister delivers babies-and suggested i tell my doc). Good luck!
For real though.. iwas in wal mart today and thee braxton hicks were just coming... on top of her moving... ifelt just like yu... like iwas on my period all over again [-( what do yur contractions feel like? Does it still feel like yur period just worst?
@zolabean thanks. I knew I would have her early never imagined that I'd go to the doc on Friday and get sent to the hospital ......we still Haven't named her! I feel horrible.....she has a story to tell when she is older.
@MrsWilliams... can we switch lol... idk what my pain tolerance is like inever really been in too much pain...yu do have a high tolerance especially since yu were driving