20 days left and still not quite ready! I have a scan tomorrow though as he doesn't seem to be growing to well so if he hasn't grew enough then he's out by the end of the week! Eeeeek!!
@mommyxoxo2 As of my last Monday I have not dilated at all He did say was cervix was short and soft but I am just so frustrated! I have spent the past week trying every "natural" induction technique possible. I will find out tomorrow if it it has helped me at all. How about you?
@scnewmommy my doc says I'm 1-2 cervix is really soft & in 50% effaced this is my 2nd so I'm hoping things will go by fast... r u having sharp pains in ya vajay-jay? @perfectlyimperfect did the doc of yu ways to try & turn baby?...
I have a scan tomorrow though as he doesn't seem to be growing to well so if he hasn't grew enough then he's out by the end of the week! Eeeeek!!
@perfectlyimperfect did the doc of yu ways to try & turn baby?...