Usually I brag about my great hubby, he really is usually a good guy. For the last two days he's driving me CRAZY! One, my mom is in the hospital & they are starting dialysis because she has stage 4ckd. I'm a bit stressed about it all. I am super close to my mom & I'm worried if she'll be healthy enough to be around for my second son. My husband keeps telling me to calm down & stay at home, rest. Um, my mom has always been there for me, my dad works, I'm here for her. She is at the hospital I'm having my baby. My dr is right there. So calm down! Today he threatened to take my keys so I have to stay at home! Frankly, my moms nurses have been great to me. They gave me a huge hospital water cup & put an ez chair in her room so my feet are up. They also ask if I need a snack about every half hour. I'm pampered, I get to spend time with my mom & they are always checking us (my ob saw me going to see my mom & told the nurses I can go anytime). So that is pissing me off.
Next, my last day to teach dance is tomorrow. He is trying to get me to stay home. I can't. I have to turn in all my music for classes & make sure my assistant knows whats up. I will be sitting on my butt, telling her what to do! Still hes acting all pissed off that I said I can't miss! He threatened, yet again, to take my keys! I feel like saying ' don't push it buddy!'
Third, I think he feels like I am an idiot on computers! I had to burn 2 copies of all my dance classes music cds. I have never used his computer to burn music. He decided to sit downstairs next to me as I did it. I pulled the music, and started putting the songs in order. The zune site I use had an issue & it took forever! He kept telling me what to do & how I should have done it this way instead. Yes I'm not quick, but I know what I'm doing! I almost cried after he kept going about it. Seriously, he was harping & nagging me! For 45 minutes!
I love him but damn! If he doesn't stop, he is going to get it! I have 28 days left (unless he comes sooner like he threatens to), but he may meet an unfortunate end very quickly!
Before any of you say it, I know most of it is he wants us both to be ok. This is his first & he is worried about us. But I had my first child without him or anyone else telling me what to do. I am a strong & smart woman that can take care of myself! I also hate being told what to do. When we first got together he thought that was great! Now he's getting controlling towards the end of this pregnancy & expects me to just fall in line!
Sorry so long, but I'm done now.


  • Girl you still teaching dance with 28 days left! You go girl!
    & I hope your hubby gets its together! Lol
  • he sound like hes stresed! my hubby wouldnt let me do much the last month! i got pissed and did stuff anyways!
  • @Mimii36 yup tap ballet & jazz. I love it so much I couldn't imagine not teaching!
    @Proudmommy8789 I know he's stressed but him pulling this is stressing me out! I'm still doing what I need to.
  • Make a copy (or several) of your key without telling him. Unless you are feeling unusual or on bedrest no need to stay home and if you do go into labor while visiting your mom atleast he knows you're safe at the hospital. Men 8-|
  • Maybe he needs to know HE is stressing you out, and work and being with your mom gives you peace...and make a spare key stash just in case.
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