why even bother
He (hubby) is p!ssin me off. Why is it that if a man breaks a dang nail they are in to much pain to even hold their child, while they sit in a chair?!?! Yet a woman can fall down a flight of stairs and break both arms and legs and still find it in her to crawl to her crying baby and cradle them in her arms as if she was never hurt. Yes I know I'm exaggerating but really. I'm expected to clean the house, pull food outta my @ss and cook dinner, clean n fold laundry, and pack for a trip, all while taking care of a fussy baby. All I ask is that when my husband gets home he holds our son while I do the million and one things he feels should be easy to do, ya know since I'm at home doing nothing all day. but no, he comes home from work and after a fight takes our son and sticks him in his car seat (we have a great swing) and rocks him to sleep with his foot. He said he couldn't hold him cuz he has a head ache, once our son was asleep he got up and went to bed leaving him in the car seat. Why are men so lazy!?! And on top of that, I went to deal with the beding in our extra room and opened the door only to find 5 opened empty stinky bags of dog food. Which means for the last 2 months he hasn't even bothered to put the bags in the trash. Does he not know that will cause mice to come in our house. I even asked him to walk them out to the outside trash and he refused. I guess I have to do everything myself.