birthstory/ hospital stay
well i would like to first say.. it was a good l&d! i was actually couldnt have asked for more.. i was doing castro oil for 48hrs i tk 1tbls an hour or 1 1/2 hrs.. till my 4oz bottle was gone.. i started contracting around bedtime so i went to bed thinking nothing of it.. woke up around 1am w/ painful contractions i timed them for about 30 min they were 1.30min-2min apart.. i kept thinking no way thats too close this cant be real. so call the kids nanna so she could come be with the kids but be fore she go here my water broke!! when i finally arived at the hospital i was already a 6!! i was so happy!! i ask for my epi and got it.. he came at 6am that morning.. i only pushed for 5min cause i was fully dialated for at least an hr.. it was so great.. the only tning horrible about the whole thing was my hospital stay.. with the complaing insomniac of a rmmate.. her baby was great but she had companty till 12am then stayed up till3am that morning.. with the lights on bright~X( so needles to say i got about 2hrs of sleep total after laboring all night.. ugh thank god i only had to stay 24hrs.. i would not have lasted any longer.. with her.. i never knew people could be so rude and obnoxiouse.. im still trying to recover from sleep deprevation.. i forgot to mention his name is Adam and weighed in at 8lbs 12oz and was 20in long.. no tares either !! hes a dream so far.. he lets momma sleep too.. what more could you ask from a nb.. but love... and his big brothers love him.. well the 18mth old is still getting aquated. lol but im sure they will be bffs in no time.. :X
yur better than me with thee roommate situation iwouldve said something just no courtesy
@Steph_Due_101611 Yeah im also on Medical .. and i think because of the cuts they put so many new rules and reg on where you can give birth.. i had a chioce between two .. but they had the same emenities so it probably wouldnt have made a difference.. at least i had great nurses though