when and how to feed cereal and breast feed..?

edited November 2011 in Food
Lilly will be 4 months (holy cow!) This Monday and she is exclusively breast fed. At what point should I offer her cereal or other baby foods? She eats about 30oz of milk a day (I pump and feed). And how do you breast feed and transition to food..? Do I feed the bottle first then food if she's still hungery..? Ftm and so confused lol! Thanks mamas!


  • Food first than milk. She will tell you if she wants the food or not. I would mix some cereal with your breast milk and start with that. Hope this helps!
  • some docs reccomend if bf to do it exlusivly for 6months bfore starting rice..but rice at 4mo is ok do milk then food bcuz atthat age your just trying it and breastmilk is what they need most rice is a bonus :) also make sure since yoi may feed less often your supply is still good
  • meaning supply is still high not decreasing.. I worded that wrong
  • I gave my girl cereal for the first time last night!! She's 4.5 months old,bf almost exclusively (bottles when I'm not around so once maybe twice a week!) I did it because we could tell she was ready. She was really interested in our food, and we gave her a carrot (big, peeled) to suck on and she was really into it! So we mixed a tablespoon of cereal with water until it was pretty thin, offered a tiny bit on the spoon each time, waited till she opened her mouth, and put it in. She ate almost all of it! We then bathed her and offered her the boob, but she was quite full!
  • at this point if baby seems interested and she is getting breast milk, you can do some milk first then food since she is only 4 months old and milk should be her staple food until she is older.
  • but try to make the cereal with your milk
  • Ok thanks ladies! I feel a little more clued in now lol :)
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