its baby day :)

edited November 2011 in Labor
So I'm being induced today because my little Zacharys stomach is only measuring 34 weeks. I'm 39 weeks today. We are in the room now just waiting for the nurse to come back and set me all up. Ill update through the day as I progress. Gahhh I'm so excited and nervous.


  • Good luck!
  • Good luck! :)
  • Its gonna be a long day :( he just put in cervidil and I can't get out of bed for 2 hours and he's not going to check me again for 12 hours! I'm going to starve :( @kristaf22 @pawgio @bigbelly @Damien's_mommy
  • I know how you feel! I went in to be induced at 7am and didn't have my son til 11:21pm. I was starving! Made my hubby go get me food from Wendy's cause it was the only place open that late lol
  • Hubby went home to grab some clothes cause he's silly and didn't listen to me when I told him to pack some! They are coming back soon to tell me that I can move around cause its been 2 hours so hopefully they tell me I can eat or something cause then I will just have Jay bring me something on his way back lol
  • Good luck. I hope they let you eat. And i hope everything turns out ok.
  • good luck :) hope everything is all good mama
  • They are gonna let me eat now
    I'm having contractions and they hurt. I can't believe I thought about not getting an epidural. I want that shit ASAP!
  • Lol... Labor dust honey. Keep us updated...
  • Im glad they let you eat. I hope your doing ok.
  • Hey guys sorry it took so long for a update. Still no baby :( I was having really painful contractions so I got newbain at like 4pm and that was great! I kept on throwing up tho so they had to give me some medicine to make that stop. They took the cervidal out early at around 930 10 o'clock cause my contractions were so bad. She said my cervix is really soft an thin so it did its job but I'm still only at 2 cm. They told me thar after they take the cervidal out it normally calms down the contractions...WRONG! They were so bad I feel bad for my hubby cause I was burrying my face in his shoulder and like squeezing him so hard but he has seriously been the best! He was just talking to me and calming me down and telling me to Listen to his voice and he was breathing with me. I seriously hope all your hubby's are as good with it as he is it has really helped. And he's very demanding lol. I got my epidural around midnight...its love <3. The worst part is the cathider but make them increase the epidural and it will numb u more and be all set! My contractions really dropped off after I got my epidural so they started pitocin about 1215. I passed right out after they gave me the epi and just woke up. My nurse came in and she was like oh I started it while u were sleeping lol. Well ill update again after they check me! @kristaf22 @angel26 @Samantha I'm on my phone sorry its hard to tag everyone!
  • Ok just got checked 4 cm and they broke my water
  • Good luck girl!! Your getting there. I can't wait to hear baby is finally here. Please tag me as well, if you can.
  • Oh hurry baby lol. Good luck I hope you have a baby soon.
  • Was checked a hour ago and was 6cm and just got checked a few min ago and am at 9cm baby's head is at 0
  • Goodluck and congrats!
  • Wow congratulations. Im sure baby is hear by now. can't wait for the update.
  • Zachary Boyd Jenkins was born at 10:57am 6lbs 12oz 20 3/4 inches long and absolutely perfect! @everyone
  • Congratulations. Im glad he's here.
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