Help me get him out! :(

edited November 2011 in Labor
I'm 38+5 today, yesterday at my appointment I was 70% effaced and 1cm and I've been losing pieces of my plug since 4 this morning and been having very painful bh, I can still walk and talk through them though and they're about 5 minutes apart. So this morning I had sex with bd, took a warm shower, walked the dog, and tried to bounce on my ball and do a few squats but it got too painful :( I'm a pansy and couldn't handle it lol. I'm so anxious and I'm supposed to go to work at 5:30 tonight but I don't think I'll be able to. Anyone have any ideas that are less painful then squats?


  • Lots of walking :)
  • @darkesofnight4u looks like I'm getting on the treadmill! Should I wait until they're 3 minutes apart or am I supposed to go in if they don't stop within an hour?
  • Walk your booty off. :) staying active is the only proven method to help. Good luck.
  • @samantha thanks! When should I go in?
  • I would say 3 min apart for more than an hour with painful contractions. I say that BC I had non painful contractions for 5 hours yesterday between 2-3 min apart and I went to sleep and they stopped. No idea what that was about but I Just keep waiting for them to hurt BC everyone says " you will know when its true labor" I guess they were right cuz im fine today and no baby!
  • Depends how far you are from hospital. I went in when they were 5 minutes apart by the time I got to hospital they were 2 minutes apart. I live an hour from hospital.
  • Mine weren't painful when I initially left but half way to the hospital they were painful. I did have to stop and catch mt breath in between contractions though at home. But my water broke at home so I knew I had to go in at some point lol.
  • @314babymama1120 I've had a lot of non painful ones, this is the first time they've actually hurt! They're a little more than 4 minutes apart now.

    @samantha I'm about 20 minutes from my hospital and they're a little over 4 minutes apart right now but I'm walking through them it's just really painful!
  • Maybe call your Dr and get his/her opinion.
  • Have you tried a shower and laying on your side for 15 minutes? I would call l&d see what their policy is. I would go in at 2 or 3 minutes apart if you're that close. Laboring at home is more comfortable then in hospital.
  • edited November 2011
    @314ybabymama1120 @samantha I called my dr and he said to go in so I'm hoping they don't send me home :D now I'm just waiting on bd to answer his phone and come drive me! Wish me luck!
  • Yay good luck. Keep me posted.
  • Good luck. I hope they keep you and you get to have a baby.
  • Honestly... something that gets contractions going is reverse cowgirl with hubby sitting in a chair. Sorry if tmi but it works for me
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