? bout EDD any advice ladies (NPR)
Ok so I used to work for the county, my position was extra help not permanent so basically my job was at will... well I had my bby n july, nd I was informed in april that wen I left to have my bby they wouldn't hire me bck, I then told my supervisor I would terminate my position early do to being prego n havn high bp n being sick... the next day she reassured me I would have my job, not to worry or stress, I was relieved bcuz I really needed to work, I commited myself to being at wrk everyday n schedule my appts an hour befor I got off work just to show my appreciation, needless to say I went on my leave on july 11th my supervisor called me july 19th n told me I wouldn't be hired bck, nd I was bothered but decided to be positive bout it... so I apply for EDD n after they interviewd the county denied me bcuz my supervisor told them I went missing n never showed back up to work due to childcare issues... well I appealed the decision, n I have proof I was terminated, my ex wrkplace sent me a letter stating my position being terminated bcuz I was no longer needed.. so I go to court in a wk n half but I jst started a new job wit the county a permanent position, n idk whether I should jst go in person n jepordize my new job, or send a written declaration statn my side of the story... ne advice is great...