? bout EDD any advice ladies (NPR)

Ok so I used to work for the county, my position was extra help not permanent so basically my job was at will... well I had my bby n july, nd I was informed in april that wen I left to have my bby they wouldn't hire me bck, I then told my supervisor I would terminate my position early do to being prego n havn high bp n being sick... the next day she reassured me I would have my job, not to worry or stress, I was relieved bcuz I really needed to work, I commited myself to being at wrk everyday n schedule my appts an hour befor I got off work just to show my appreciation, needless to say I went on my leave on july 11th my supervisor called me july 19th n told me I wouldn't be hired bck, nd I was bothered but decided to be positive bout it... so I apply for EDD n after they interviewd the county denied me bcuz my supervisor told them I went missing n never showed back up to work due to childcare issues... well I appealed the decision, n I have proof I was terminated, my ex wrkplace sent me a letter stating my position being terminated bcuz I was no longer needed.. so I go to court in a wk n half but I jst started a new job wit the county a permanent position, n idk whether I should jst go in person n jepordize my new job, or send a written declaration statn my side of the story... ne advice is great...


  • Go....definitely go hun. Good luck...
  • @jnc121311 thanks.. I wonder if I could actually get them nto trouble for lying, shoot I was so strapped wit money, my car got repossed, my bills we're bearly paid, all becuz they couldn't be honest... not right
  • Aww I'm sorry! I don't have any advice, never been in that situation. I'm on edd also but cuz my Dr took me off work and there were no issues. I hope you get everything worked out! Thats terrible for them to lie like that!
  • @smcox I knw right its kinda fukd up ppl lie like that, I thought after all the sacrafices I made for them n dedication I gave they'd at least grant me what's mines... I was unemployed for 3 mnths n had to get on cash aide... thankfully I'm now employeed permanetly...
  • Im sorry your going through that hun. What is Edd? Im assuming its some sort of aid?
  • I am curious to what EDD is as well??
  • They did the same exact thing to my friend and she sued them for lying and she win the case so definitely go in.
  • @314babymama1120 @mama082711 EDD means employment development department I think its all over the US but wat it does is while ur employed takes a tiny portion out of money frm ur check, and if u r laid off or let go for a reason besides quiting or being fired then u apply for EDD n ur previous employer pays them to pay u... u only get a portion of wat u we're making, I was making almost 2000 a mnth n I would be allowed 800 a mnth... but I'm not sure of how it wrks newhere else... but they only pay u until u find another job, or ur time runs out... we're r u guys frm
  • I'm from jersey, I haven't heard of that before. But I'd def fight it. I worked at McDonald's through HS and on and off through college so just over 10 years (I took forever to finish college lol). I know firsthand they lie to unemployment so their rates don't go up...I had a phone interview with them from management point of view and was told what to say and it was a straight lie. I was only 17 or 18 so I did as I was told; now I wouldn't be caught dead lying like that cuz it's sooo unfair to the person who was fired....and then my boss fired me related to pregnancy in May. I couldn't prove that concretely so I didn't pursue it from that angle. But when I filed for unemployment, I was denied...to make a long story short, my former boss lied to the state through his teeth stating I abandoned my position bc I didn't show up for a meeting and that I worked an unscheduled shift. When what really happened was I showed up for my scheduled shift for that day, clocked in to work, was told he wanted to see me so I went back to talk to him; he fired me, I clarified it, clocked out and went home. He never set any kind of meeting up with me after I called for my termination papers. Which he refused to give me stating "I walked out" when I clearly did not. Anyway that's a sore subject for me lol I give you 10 yrs almost 11 of my life, called out only probably 3 times in all those years and was treated like that. It's bullsh*t.
  • @mama082711 yea its unemployment, but I'm n cali n its edd... I'm sure the same concept, but wow that's pretty fukd up how they did u... seems like situation was same as mines (prego related) but I'm glad I got some sort of proof, nd sorry u had to go thru that, some ppl r so cruel but I'm a firm believer in karma and one day thos ppl will get wats coming to them....
  • @mami_of_3 as am I, and with all his bullsh*t every single one of those employees, past and present, put up with, he'll most definitely get his. And I'll be laughing.
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