For sore, cracked or blistered nipples

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
So I exclusively pump and my nipples were all of the above! It hurt to take a shower, it hurt when they rubbed against my clothes, it hurt just to carry my baby. I was trying all sorts of remedies. I finally found one that works.
After each feeding/pumping you dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one cup warm water. Pour into bowl and soak each nipple in solution for 1_5min it said not to exceed 5min because itll put to much moisture. Towel dry, and lightly rub off any white residue. then apply lanolin cream. Also very important even if pads dont feel wet, they carry bacteria so change them every time!!
My right nipple had a crack so big when I pumped it bled. And I had small clear blisters on the tips of my nipples. Which I read is milk trapped under thin layers of skin. I only started this last night and my blisters are gone and my cracks are healed, and the tenderness of them has gone down. Also I'm pumping alot more milk out. Thought I'd share with my preglys!


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