38+2 appt today and....

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
Nothing! Not even dialated at all, he didn't say anything about effacement but said my cervix was short, whatever that means. And then I had a heart attack because he couldn't find her heartbeat for like 10 minutes. 4 people had to try to find it before they final got it. They had to push all on my belly and move her around and stuff . And he asked me if she had been moving normally and I told him no she wasn't moving as much as normal so then they hooked me up to Nat an all these people were coming in and out of the room looking at the paper read out. I ended up getting 3 movements in 10 min so they stopped that test and sent me to the next room to so an ultrasound, that ended up being fine too so my Dr comes back in and says Okay well She is meeting all criteria So we sent going to induce today ( WHAT?! U didn't even know that was a thought!) So anyway im Just so ready for her to be here so I can know she is okay.

Im aware this is barley coherent I just needed to get it out.


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