free nursing bras! LAST update at bottom :-)

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
My sister in law works at a bra store and her boss just gave her hundreds of nursing bras to donate! She told me about it And I said I wanted to offer them up to any of you ladies! I have sizes 36-46 c-f. Very few of the smallest and largeat but a ton of the middle range. They all still have tags on them and are valued bw $20 and $50 each.

I was trying to figure out how to get them to people who need them and this is What I Can up with. Email me your size and I will let You know if I have that size. I think its fair to give up to 4 to each person. I cannot afford to ship these to people so I thought of 2 options. You can send me a pre addressed and shipping paid for box or bag then I can package them and ship back to you!

I do not have PayPal or a computer. Im Sorry I know that would be way easier.

My email is
My name is Laura


  • Im kinda interested but im mobile email illiterate lol
  • my email is im size 36 d and I could really use some bras
  • @314babymama1120 what brand are they if you don't mind my asking? The bras at motherhood maternity don't fit, no matter the cup size I still seem to fall out of it (they had f cups in store that I tried). I've tried on tons of them and the only one I found that fit okay was from jcpenney.
  • Im a 36f... Im in Australia though... Would love to see pics if possible. I can do a bank transfer to pay for shipping. My address is
    I find it soooo hard to get bras here that fit, there is literally 1 store that sells 1 bra in my area.
  • I'm a 36h :( wish you had my size it's impossible to find.
  • Sorry if this is bitchy but im getting a ton of email response and doing a lot of work for this so im not going to be bending over backwards for it and not doing much communication via pregly. Its too much work and im 38+2 right now! I very easily xould have just dropped them off at a salvation army but wanted to help you women out personally. So i will be looking through hundreds of bras and dealing will shipping to a lot of you! Please make this as easy for me as possible :-) if u want some FREE NURSING BRAS email me and I will check for your size and we can proceed via the options I listed above.

    I have a lot of different brands, they are not mother hood . I have a majority of leading lady but a few other brands as well.

    Also I am going to bed so feel free to send a request but I wont answer till tomorrow afternoon and will give out sizes in order revived. :-)
  • And I have no 36 f or h.... Sorry ladies :-(

    I have MOSTLY 42 and 44 in various cup sizes but I do have other sizes as well.
  • Emailed u! I think its awesome u r doing this...if u r able to since ur probably very tired n have a lot going on :)
  • 38dd u are so nice to be doing this I know your probably exhausted!
  • Whats your email? Thank you for doing this!

  • edited November 2011
    I'm a 34dd now but I wonder what size will fot me when the milk comes in... Do u think the 36 will be fine? Lol I'll email u from my gmail it will show up as chayna
    And ty!
  • edited November 2011
    Reminder ladies, im not responding to requests via pregly only through my email. Its too hard to keep track of otherwise. My email is in the original post. I am planning on working on this all day today and will be answering emails in order I receive them. :-)

    Don't forget about your milk coming In ladies! That will increase your cup size b,c,d,DD ect not the bad size 34,36,38. Band size is how big you are around your ribs and cup size is the size of your breasts. Sometimes a "sister" size will work though so if I don't have your size I will ask if you Want a sister size.

    I have very few 34 or 36 or 46 left, but lots of 38,40,42,44 in various cup sizes.

    Don't forget, I am not responding here except for updates on sizing and if a question is asked that may pertain to several of You!
  • I sent you an email!
  • Okay update on sizing. I am out of 36 completely. I have 2 32dd , a 34 h, a 34dd, a 38b, 4 38 c, 3 38 d, a 38g, a 38h, lots of different cup sizes in 40,42,44, a 46g and a 46h.

    I have been able to fill 10 request and I am waiting on Confirmation from you preglies on 9 others!

    If u do not see your size listed please check back on my next update as some of the people I am waiting on may change there mind and I will list different sizes that become available!
  • Lol ok I change my mind becuase I dint know what size I'll be and others who already are breastfeeding could use it more. Thanks for posting tho...ur such a sweetie! :X
  • I just emailed you!!
  • just wrote back! sorry been super busy
  • edited November 2011
    Okay I have now filled 17 request and have 10 that I am waiting confirmation!

    Getting way down in my supplies ladies so please be quick to send me an email a request if you want some bras.

    Sizes left are 1 32 DD, 1 32 h, 2 34 DD, 1 34 g, 2 36 g, 1 38h, 1 38 b, 2 40 b, 4 40g, 5 42 DD, 7 42 e, 1 42 g, 1 42 h, 4 44 DD, 4 44 g, 2 44 h, 1 46 h.

    Again if u don't see your size check back later as some of the confirmation may not pan out and the bras will go back into the supply I have.

    Please keep bumping this ladies as I started off with over 300 nursing bras and am down to only the listed above! Im so excited I have been able to help so many ladies and would love to help more!

    Also please remember I am only responding via email which Is in original post :-)
  • Okay ladies this is your last chance! I have been working on getting these bras to You all for almost 24 hours straight and don't forget im 38+3! So I will take requests through tonight and cut them off at 12:00am est. If your request is not finalized by them I will put your bras into the general supply which I am going to donate tomorrow. As far as shipping goes I have told most of you this Individually but if I don't receive ur package by next Friday the 18th I will donate your bras and also if I don't get tour package before my baby comes then shipping your Bras back may be delayed a bit

    Sizes left are 2 32 DD, 2 34 DD, 1 34 g, 1 34 h, 1 36 d, 4 36 DD, ( @myheartzx3 ) 2 36 g, 1 38h, 1 38 b, 2 40 b, 4 40g, 5 42 DD, 7 42 e, 1 42 g, 1 42 h, 4 44 DD, 1 44 f

    Please keep bumping this ladies as I started off with over 300 nursing bras and am down to only the listed above! Im so excited I have been able to help so many ladies and would love to help as many as possible! It would be nice if all the ladies that I communicated with about this could bump this so other ladies have a chance to see !

    Also please remember I am only responding via email which Is in original post :-)
  • Bummed I missed this post... :-( iwas a 32b now im prego and a 34c Idnt knw what size I will be when baby comes... here's a bump though!
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