if you are getting bras from me please read
Just wanted to post some reminders because it seems not everyone read the updated post
I cannot pay the difference if you do not have the correct amount of return shipping. If this happens I will notify you that you will not receive The bras. I have asked for no cash for shipping Just prepaid shipping labels so I clearly have nothing to gain by doing this.
Because I am 38+4 today I have placed a time line on When I must receive your package by. Next Friday November 18. If I get your package after that date I will notify you that you will not recieve the bras. Also if I have my daughter before I get your package it may delay me shipping the bras back to you.
I have stopped taking request as it was taking over my life and the supply ran low and I was not able meet many people's needs anymore. Started off with around 300 and ended with less than 50! I was able to fill 32 requests !!! For those of you I wasn't able to help I truly am Sorry.
Again this has and will continue to be a lot of work for me so please just follow the instructions I have given each of you and the above reminders. Thanks :-)
I cannot pay the difference if you do not have the correct amount of return shipping. If this happens I will notify you that you will not receive The bras. I have asked for no cash for shipping Just prepaid shipping labels so I clearly have nothing to gain by doing this.
Because I am 38+4 today I have placed a time line on When I must receive your package by. Next Friday November 18. If I get your package after that date I will notify you that you will not recieve the bras. Also if I have my daughter before I get your package it may delay me shipping the bras back to you.
I have stopped taking request as it was taking over my life and the supply ran low and I was not able meet many people's needs anymore. Started off with around 300 and ended with less than 50! I was able to fill 32 requests !!! For those of you I wasn't able to help I truly am Sorry.
Again this has and will continue to be a lot of work for me so please just follow the instructions I have given each of you and the above reminders. Thanks :-)