missed misscarriage - info please

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im really scared of this does anyone know information about it or has had one and knows the symptoms or anything like that. Cause all my symptoms besides fatigue and ligament pain went away:/


  • Do you know how common they are?
  • I just had breast tenderness with my first pregnancy. Then as.time went on I noticed that it would just suddenly disappear for two or so days then come back and it just kept doing it. When I went in for my ultrasound there was a sac but no fetus so I had to wait two weeks to miscarry on my own. But I knew something was wrong during that.pregnancy.

    When I got pregnant again it just felt different. I had pains and morning sickness and fatigue and everything else in the book.

    So don't let your fears rule you. Enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can because it wasn't until I was like 5 months.before I actually started to enjoy it and I missed out on just being happy that God blessed us with a pregnancy. So just talk to your doctor because a lot of women stop having symptoms early and it turns out that everything is perfect
  • I asked my midwife about this today and she said it is very rare. She actually said it hardly ever happens without having.something happen, I.e bleeding or pain or something like that. Having a missed miscarriage doesn't happen very often so try not to stress. But she also said if I was worried about anything then call.straight.away and she will do bloods. So if your worried then call your doc x
  • I know. I feel like i have a strong baby though cause i tested positive right away really early idk if thats a good sign but i feel good about it and also when i had an ultrasound its heart was beating really fast and the baby was moving around. But that was at nine weeks and i dont get to hear the heartbeat until march 7th. Im just worried
  • Okay i think ill call my doctor just to feel better:)
  • About 40% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. There are many types. Unless you are bleeding and cramping I would try to relax. :) my symptoms didn't retreat until the day after bleeding had begun and now 7 days later I have none.
    Please don't get so worked up and try to enjoy your pregnancy. I cried when I didn't need to pee every hour...
    best wishes for you love! ! Xoxo
  • ( I meant pregnancy symptoms )
  • Its really hard not to worry until youve seen your baby or heard their heart beating
  • If you've seen the heartbeat that's a massive plus. The mw said that as is had internal scan and seen heartbeat that was a great sign x
  • So if youve seen the heartbeat then miscarriage is less likely? Im only 3 days away from being 12 weekd
  • Well I'm not a Dr but that's what she said and I googled it and it said the same x
  • No worries hunny. It's a scary time for all of us just try and relax as much as possible x x
  • Your fears are understandable because a decrease in symptoms is definitely a symptom of a missed miscarriage. I was paranoid about this too at the beginning of the week cause all of my symptoms just vanished over about 4 or 5 days. I went for an ultrasound at 9W2D cause I was too paranoid and everything looked great. Doctor said she couldn't explain what happened to my symptoms and that maybe my hormones were just being weird. I've been feeling super unpregnant for the last couple days but I'm not going insane cause at least I know that everything is fine now.
  • I think im gonna go see my doctor because i have a good reason to be concerened
  • It's a good motherly decision. I hope all goes well.
  • I just got back from the doc and he told me that I either am not as far along as I thought or I have an empty pregnancy... I have seen the sac twice but no heartbeat and no baby... I have 3 more days of blood tests and another u/s next week... I still feel preg.. Tender boobs, fatigue, and uterus expantion... My hormone levels are not doubleing though and I am scared of a dnc...
  • I think im gonna go to urgent care hopefully they help. @Lovethemoon your baby could be developing slowly and just not able to see it yet
  • @lovethemoon I'm hoping you don't have to go through that and that your days are just mixed up! :X
    as for a d&c there are other options like a medication called mitrosol (sp?) That would help move the process along *if that were the case* but I'm praying not xoxo
    I'm here for all you ladies if you need me. I'm dealing with the aftermath of my miscarriage last Friday.
  • Thanks ladies... I am definatly not an emotional person and I cant seem to keep the tears back right now... I guess things happen for a reason.. Katlilly how far along were you?
  • @lovethemoon I feel your pain....It's going to be okay. I go back on Monday to get more blood work done - to see if my numbers are increasing and maybe I just got my date of ovulation and implantation are off. How far along are you? Where did the doctor say you are vs where you think you should be?
  • I had a d&c and physically it wasn't bad but mentally it was awful. Praying for you!
  • @msc... I thought I was at least 8 weeks but apparently not... My doc never told me where he thought I was... I didnt ask cause I was so in shock of what he was telling me
  • How long do you have to wait to try again after a mc or a d&c
  • My doc recommend 2 cycles some recommend only 1
  • edited February 2011
    I lost all symptoms at 9 1/2 weeks except back pain. No hb at 10 wks. Went for 12 wk apt couldn't find bb. Midwife did quick u/s and baby was fine. Hb was further left than she thought. Just had nt scan and all is good. Baby is flipping around and very active. My midwife said loss of symptoms is normal it means ur body is adjusting to extra hormones. Good luck to u all. Just relax. Also found out im 4 days further along than I thought.
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