Help putting bby to sleep.. (kinda an update)

edited November 2011 in Sleep
Ok so last night was my first night home & it was a little tough. My baby didnt sleep til 8am this morning & that was only because I let her fall asleep on my chest. I tried swaddling her but it didnt help. Any suggestions?

So ive come to realize shes a stomach sleeper! Looks like theres no hope for me. Guess ill just have to get use to her sleeping on me. :(


  • Something with white noise. First night is the hardest. Do you have a rocking chair you can just rock in? Sometimes I let my son breast feed until he is completely out. Even if he is using me as a paci. I will also rub his back or the spot in between the eyes on the forehead ill rub while he eats and he will be out in minutes.
  • My little girl is 4 weeks tomorrow and I'm lucky if I get 3 hours a night. Just make sure you sleep in the day x
  • @samantha she wont get in her bouncer or her swing. Shes not having it at all. I can only put her down when she is sleeping! & yea my daughter uses me as a paci all night! Its frustrating already. I hope 2night goes better but I doubt it.

    @cheryl74 3 hours is all I asked for last night. hour would have pleased me. Lol
  • The first couple weeks are the hardest while you and bubs get to know eachother. Try to make the area your in really boring, turn tv off or really low, lights dim, if you talk whisper, I always find if there is too much going on bubs wont relax into a deep sleep. Also have 1 area for daytime naps and another for night, it helps establish the day and night so they get it the right way around
  • I didn't sleep at all the first few nights and still don't lol. It will get better she just wants to be near you. Its her comfort right now. Sometimes I lay brody in his bassinet and lean in to the bassinet and gently rock him while he is in bed sometimes ill put my cheek next to his or my hand on his chest. He feels like I am there and I can sneak off when hes asleep without waking him.
  • I let my baby breastfeed until he's asleep, then I swaddle him, lay him in his bed...if he wakes up some, I give him his paci and turn on his heartbeat bear. He's 12 days old and sleeps 3 hours between feedings
  • I suggest you go to and use some of her techniques. Babies need a lot of help getting to sleep but unfortunately no one tells us how to help them sleep. Good luck!
  • @sands3 gosh if my bby girl would take a paci I think it would help so much!
  • @Mimii36 I didn't want to give him one so soon, but its been a lifesaver!
  • I lay on my side and her bf til she falls asleep. I end up falling asleep for a short while too. Then i put her in her bed when i wake up like an hour later. By then she's out.
  • Rocking her to sleep is what works best for me. One thing to be careful of is that you aren't putting her down before she's really out. If you can pick up her arm and drop it with no resistance, then try and lay her down. If you can't, she's not all the way asleep. Also, white noise is a life saver! Search in your app market for white noise and there should be a free app, the Fan sound works best! Pacifiers are really helpful too. My last resort is the vibrate feature on her bouncer, she loves that!
  • Very helpful advice ladies!
  • @sands3 I dnt mind her taking one but she wont do it! Spits it out everytime!
  • @mimii36 try holding her cross cradle or cradle like when your feeding her and slip in the bink then, hold her against your breast just like feeding until she gets the hang of it. Once asleep you can put her down with the binkie still in her mouth. Also, different binkies feel different, try a few brands. Lo hated the nuck she got in the hospital but loves the ones I have now (have no idea brand name)
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