i feel like september is a year away



  • I'm due 9/10/11and it is taking forever. I just want my little one here already. I'm 12 weeks and 4 days and I feel great besides being tired constantly.
  • im 10w4d due sep.25 i am so excited it does seem to be dragging but i am so happy too be having this baby :)
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  • Man I knoo...I'm due Sep 4th...and It's taking forever...
  • @ prehnantelf Congrads thts my birthday
  • I'm due 27th Sept an can't wait to tell everyone! We've only told immediate family an best friends so far an I know once everyone knows its gonna go so fast!!
  • I agree! I'm due 9/19 and it feels like forever from now! Can't wait to find out the baby's sex in May, which also seems so far away. And I'm so freaking sick, though not showing at all.
  • @JadensMommy cool my bday is aug31 this will be the first sep.baby in my family.
  • this is the second time I've managed to be pregnant for the entire summer-I was due with my first 8/29/06 and had him 9/03. This time I'm due 9/5 and will deliver 8/29. You'd think id have learned the first time, but apparently not. My second was born in december 08 and that one was so easy. I have the worst timing ever, lol.
  • Due 9/5, found out around christmas too & sept feels like an eternity away! Find out the sex late april :(
  • i dont likee being preg wish i did.. but getting huge, being tired all the time, and nusea is not my cup of tea.. but im not in a hurry for the baby to be here i have a ten month old and the preg came a surprise.. 2 bcontrol methods failed.. so i know its meant to be.. but im so tired.. and my man has no sympothy for me cz he has no clue.. so now he says he does everything not! annoying
  • I'm due sep 16 and its taking for ever I feel pregnant I just feel fat and lazy ill I wanna do is eat and nap! I'm 12w4d! I really want a girl but ill be fine with a boy too! I wish time could just go a little faster b4 I found out I was pregnant time went by so fast now cuz I'm happy bout somethin it goes suuuppeerr ssllooww!! :)
  • Me too! I wish I could fast forward a few months past this crappy feeling stage,I'm so exausted all the time,and everything makes me cry or get bi*chy
    And I just look fat lol
    Hurry up baby!
  • I'm due Sept 11 Will find. Out in 3 weeks what we are having
  • Due Sept 23! I'm soooo excited & can't wait! My boyfriend really wants a boy bt idc as long as it is full term & healthy! Good luck everybody!
  • Im due september 9th so should i be able to find out what it is soon?!
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