My doctor told me I should be getting her up to 6 oz. My finances mother is a nurse in the baby nursery and she said that she should only be drinking 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours. She said she knows the doctor and he doesn't know what hes doing but I went to him when I was little and I also brought my son and niece to him..must daughter now is drinking 4 oz every three hours and she says I'm feeding her to much.. I hate when people tell me how to raise my children!
Mine has a healthy appetite too. He drinks 4 oz every 3 hours. His Dr said that's a little on the high side but as long as he keeps it down and doesn't spit up, it's fine.
4 oz every 3 hours. He once drank 6 oz so I called his pediatrician to see if I should up it to six. He said no when upping the oz only go a half oz at a time and if they are spitting it up then it's too much. He also said it's common for them to be hungrier at of the day.
My son's 10 weeks and he's been taking 4oz every 4 hrs for a few weeks now (I pump at night and give him formula so the formula is the 4ozs). He breastfeeds every 3.5-4 hrs. Probably since 5 or 6 weeks actually. He was also born big at 9lbs 9oz and it's said that bigger babies do tend to eat more. But he's been steady on his intake for a while.