milk flow

I stopped breast feeding 3 weeks ago my nipples were sore and cracked and I wanted to cry every time my lo fed. So I started pumping and wasn't pumping enough is it possible to get my milk supply back up and if any of you were sucessesful how did you do it?


  • @ashleyfew usually has great bf advice
    As far as I know though apart from pumping more often or putting baby directly on the breast there are a couple things you can take to help but I can never remember what they are lol
  • You can take fenugreek..cut out caffeines..drink lots of water & milk. Thats just a few things.
  • Mothers milk tea.
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  • I agree with everything said so far, also, my lactation consultant said eating oatmeal is helpful, and she had me order some supplements from, it's basically an herbal lactation formula that is supposed to quickly increase milk production. It has fenugreek in it as well, so you would do this instead of fenugreek.
  • If you're not getting hardly anything feed and pump as often as possible. The emptier your breasts are the more they make. Think of it like drinking through a straw while someone is pouring more water in the glass. The more you empy the glass the more gets poured into it. You can litterally pump every 15 minutes to keep emptying your breasts, which will tell your body to make more and more quickly. Just keep pumping or feeding for a few days and it won't take long for you to build it back up. Taking fenugreek 3 pills 3 times a day will boost you too.
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