My Birth Story :)
So its a little late but we had to go back to arizona the day after we got discharged from the hospital and got back 3 days ago! (im exhausted) lol...anyway...i started having strong contractions 2 minutes apart and went in to l&d. Once I got there I was at 5cm and active labor finally so I got sent upstairs and got my epideral...about 20 mins after it went in I blacked out. The anestisiologist put too much too fast and my blood pressure dropped. After oxygen and changing positions I was stable, but babys heart rate was not raising with contractions so I had to have an internal epideral had stopped working at this point and I could feel EVERYTHING it was horrible...i went from 6cm to 10cm in an hour. After 2 pushes my babys heart rate dropped to 36bpm. The doc called in nicu nurses and told me if I didn't get him out in 2 more pushes I would need emergency c section...right after that I pushed so hard I seperated my stomach muscles, but pushed him out...cord was wrapped around his neck. After what seemed like ever my baby boy took his first breathe at 4:04am oct 31 ... 9 days before his due date weighing 7lbs 13oz 20 1/4in he is so beautiful and truely a blessing...
im sorry yur experience went that way ouch! How's it going now?