gripe water ?

edited November 2011 in Babies Health
How long till it takes effect? I got some he took it about 10 minutes ago and still fussy. :(


  • Oh and anything special I should do after giving it to him like burp him or anything
  • It didnt work for my lo. Hope it does for you hun! Good luck. My bby was in so much pain I wanted to cry. But I dont think you HAVE to do anything special. You could try cycling her legs a little afterwards tho. It might help.
  • *his not her..sorry
  • Thanks. Me too poor baby. :( he seems to be calming down a little. Idk if its the boob milk or gripe water. Will it make him burp or fart more to get the gas out or what?
  • Walmart brand gas drops work better imo I hope gripe water works for him
  • As soon as my son finishes drinking, it works
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