help please!"witching hour" & breastfeeding question

edited November 2011 in Parenting
for the past couple days my lo has been getting fussy at 6-7ish at night. normal yes but do any of you ladies have advice on a nightly routine to help with this fussy time? I bf and it seems like she just wants to eat from me for an hour straight but lately my boobs dont feel as full (i plan, on drinking a beer & seeing if that helps) but, in the mean time should I puml and give her a bottle during her fussy time to help with the hunger or is she building my supply by eating that long? I hate to hear her so upset... and she wont take a paci


  • i just posted something about this from kellymom :)..try not to give her a bottle, babys frequent nursing is good for supply (trust me, i dont feel engorged at all during my babys witching hour either, i dont get engorged anymore anyway)
    there is lots of info on my post, check it out
  • BahamaMama JUST posted an article about this! I was going through the same thing. I hope you read it. Don't give her a bottle! That was my mistake.
  • good luck mama! i know how you feel! :)
  • is it the bf fussy baby post? @bahamamama4828
  • thanks @caroline8_p the article was exactly what I needed to hear
  • Your babys witching hour is so early. My lo starts at about 2 am to 3 and can continue till 6 am. He naps in between for a minute but I am so exhausted. I wish I could change his witching hour lol.
  • @Samantha Oh no! That is terrible! We are just in the beginning stages of this and learning what my baby is going to do. Its almost midnight and Im thinking Why are you still doing this?? I sure hope we're not going to be all-nighters like you. :(
  • Thank @Bahamamama4828 she originally posted it :)
  • I think we are still in the beginning too. He is 3 weeks old. Hopefully it ends or changes soon lol.
  • They are building your supply. I also use grip water by mommy's bliss at 6pm. It seems to help her sleep better. You can get it at Walmart or a health food store. It is all natural.
  • @samantha I think I would die if she did that so early in the morning! I really hope your lo switches his wiching hour soon
    @momaynot you give the gripe water before they start getting fussy or in the middle of them being fussy? I have gripe water but have no idea what it actually is or what it it safe for a 2.5 week old?
  • It says you can give it at 2 weeks. I called my pediatrician first. I started at 3 weeks and I give it when she starts getting fussy. It usually starts around 6 and it takes an hour to kick in. I know some people don't wait until they're fussy but I don't want to give her anything she doesn't need. If you do give it do it slow. My daughter chokes if I give it too fast.
  • Oh I also swaddle her in a halo sleep sack at this time too. It is like a clue that it is time for bed. :)
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