my 3 mnth old wont take a bottle...HELP!

edited November 2011 in Ages & Stages
I go back to work in two weeks and have been working on the bottle with her...but my greedy little princess is having nothing but the boobies lol....I'm hoping you guys have some tips to get her interested in the bottle or my sitter is going to be up a creek!! Help!! Lol


  • Get other people to give her a bottle. She's tied you to boobs, and hey, why wouldn't you want from tap when its available? So try other people, and try not being there. It'll take some time, it did for us. My daughter still won't take a bottle from me, but is fine with grandparents, and usually her daddy.
  • Hmmm good point....never looked at it that way....hubbys turn to feed!! Lol
  • Haha ya it is!! I bet the first time or two might be hard, but be persistent! She won't let herself starve.
    Also, try feeding her before she gets to the crying / screaming stage. If you catch her before then she's more likely to accept something new.
  • Also try different bottles. I had to try about 10 different kind before she would take one.
  • I'm gonna go today to try and find some new ones..Ofcourse I bought Dr browns and they are like the most expensive ever lol...gotta figure something out quick!! Lol
  • Try the drop ins they say there like the breast
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