slings and breastfeeding

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
What sling should I get? My baby is only 7.5 pounds and I want a sling I can wear in public while bfing any suggestions?


  • I use a sling from Hotslings...they are all one piece of fabric and they come in one size that can be adjusted! I loooove it! They also have super cute designs!
  • edited November 2011
    Do you bf in it? @Ashley_smashley
  • Lol I didn't mean for that face to show up
  • Moby wrap, i just watched a bunch of different videos last night. Malia is 3 months, but im still going to get it. Holds up to 35 lbs.
  • im with moby wrap too
  • Ya I do breastfeed in it...but I am considering switching to a moby for breastfeeding use and the hotsling for just walking around.
  • I just bought a ring sling. I should get it Monday. After reading a lot it seems everyone has different preferences so I went with the highest rating on amazon. I will let you guys know if I like it or not.
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