mommies who were overdue...

edited November 2011 in Pregnant
...and had to get induced. What was the outcome/ how was the experience?

Or did u go into labor on your own and how many days late were u?


  • I went into labor 4 days overdue. Had to have pitocin because I wasn't progressing. I was almost called a section because her heart rate kept dipping but had her natural after 8 hours of labor. I have posted my birth story if you are interested in looking it up.
  • I was induced at exactly one week but I went in to get induced on monday at 7pm & gave birth at 430 pm wednesday.. my epi kept failing because I was in labor for so long so it was soo painful when the epi wore off. also it was scary cuz my babys heartrate kept dropping ( when I first got there it was too high due to dehydration) they kept moving me side to side and I needed to wear an oxygyn mask..i pushed for about 2 hours she was vaccumed due to her dropping heart rate.. I had a feaver & was shaking before I was due to push because I had an infection because after my water broke I wasstill in labor for over 24 hours. my baby also had a feavee and wasnt moving when she came out but her eyes were wide open after some oxegyn she was alert looking around even looking at the faces of whoevee held hee she even smiled still in the delivery room :) it was all worth tip... drink water untill they dont let you anymore I was sooooo thirsty ...
    good luck!
  • I decided to let them induce me. I feel like 8 days is long enough and she will be at least 9 days late when she actually Comes so yeah. The risks to baby of being so over due are not worth the rewards of going into labor naturally to me. Thanks for your input everyone :-)
  • I had to be induced or I'd still be preg today. She wouldn't stay in the birth canal. Went in to be induced at 7:30am on August 11 and they started pitocin but i wouldn't dilate so at 5:30pm they decided to let me rest and started again at 6:00am August 12 and I had her vaginally at 6:58pm August 12 at exactly 41 weeks!!! I was all for a c section after experiencing back labor both days but I'm glad they made me wait it out. Good luck girl!!!
  • I was 10 days overdue on induction day, 9/6/11. My water broke early in the am on its own that day (130am) and I went to the hospital around 3am. I was still 90% and 1cm when they checked me before starting pitocin at 730am. I wanted my epi around 9 but my dr refused to order it til I was 4cm. So I got IV meds which only made me loopy, didn't help the pain for me. The pit contractions were horrible bc they came right on top of one another so I couldn't prepare for the next one before it hit. At noon dr ordered epi since I *finally* had hit 4cm, got it at 1215, at 115 I was 10cm but didn't start pushing til 330pm. My son was born at 414pm. The epi didn't hinder my pushing at all, and I felt nothing which was wonderful bc I had a 3rd degree tear and the dr let the resident stitch me up which took 45 mins. good luck :-) all in all it wasn't terrible. You forget it once you see and hold your baby!
  • Started on own at 41 weeks... was given pitocin in a very small amount due to trying a VBAC. Ended up with a c-sec due to my little man heart rate dropping and not coming up fast enough. He had a colapsed lung though so that could have been why though.
  • With my first born I went into labor at exactly 41 weeks on my own...i just sat and waited lol
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