ways to do tummy time with out doing tummy time lol

edited November 2011 in Ages & Stages
Lilly is about 3.5 months old and HATES tummy time. We get about 45 seconds in and she screams and gets really frantic so we stop lol. I don't want her to be behind in developing those muscles but I don't want to torchor (sp) her either lol. I put her on my chest and she's ok with that but is there any other way to get those muscles workin? Ftm so any advice would be awesome! Thanks fellow preglies :)


  • just lay down flat & let her do timmy time like that. if your boobies get in the way mine do let daddy try. you could even fit some skin to skin time in :)
  • @moodymommie thanks. That's what we do but she doesn't seem to hold her head up very well..its pretty wobbly still and I worry. She was born at 37 weeks so maybe she's just a little weaker cause of that..? She likes being on my chest but hates being on her bellly other then that
  • I wouldnt go by "standard" textbook, cause frankly, no baby is "standard". All are unique and unfortunatly, there is no unique book. Lol. Keep doing what you are doing. Does she like looking at different colors aand patterns yet? Have a playmat?

    Malia is 3 months, doesnt like tummy time either, so we do belly to belly. She loves looking at bright colirs and patterns. I havent gotten.a mat yet, but im getting a bright one. Reds, blues, stripes, zebra.
  • belly to belly and wearing baby
  • have you tried laying in front of her so that she sees you
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