Advice on how far to space baby number 2! ?

edited November 2011 in Second pregnancy
I have recently read that autism is linked to having babies too close together..Well how close is too close? I want my son to have a sibling close in age and i really wanted to have another once braxy is potty trained but now im worried...suggestions?


  • Im starting again when she is 15 months. I say 2 years is a perfect minimum gap.
  • Mine will be 29 months apart and I thinks that's just close enough
  • my first two are 21 months apart. i think thats a good gap. they are super close :)
  • My youngest two are 18 months apart and it works great. They are super super close. Our 1st and 2nd are 2 1/2 years apart and that seemed like a good space but i now wish we had all 3 super close together because the younger 2 r closer. We r ttc baby #4 and our youngest is almost 3... I wish it wasnt taking so long to ttc. We did try to have all of our kids close together but we lost a baby after our first was born. Good luck w whatever u choose. Its so fun to c ur kids bond and grow together.
  • I've never heard that about the autism but my boys will be 18months apart. I think that'll be a good age gap.
  • Found this online -> In the study, children who were born less than one year after an older sibling were more than three times as likely to be diagnosed with autism, compared with children born at least three years after their mother's last pregnancy.Children born less than two years after an older brother or sister were almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with autism.
  • Thanks everyone!! :)
    @pnsw524 that makes me nervous!! :/
  • Mine are 1mo shy of 4yrs apart
  • Im waiting until mine is potty trained. And my doc said that it take a human body about 2 years to fully recover from a pregnancy
  • Mine are just over 2 yrs. #1 & #2 are 26 months apart and #2 & #3 will be 29 months apart. I think that's a good gap.
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  • I heard that awhile back and ive been told to wait the 18+ months before getting pregnant again. my kids will be 11 months apart when this one is born.
  • Mine are about 32 months apart. Very close to being 3 years apart. I always thought I wanted them close together. At first I told my husband we would try when my first was 9 months, then I changed it to when he was 1. Then it became when hes 1 and a half lol. I knew I wasn't ready at the time. Its all about how you feel and how much you can handle. I am thankful for the age gap between my 2. It makes things a lot easier that the oldest is completely potty trained as well.
  • Oh my ladies y'all might think I'm crazy but I don't plan on having another till 8yrs lol I had a traumatic delivery. But for ppl that want to have them close I think 2yrs is a good space gap so u don't have 2kids in diapers. I never heard about the autism being linked to children space gap, I have to look into that.
  • Mine are 3 1/2 yrs apart. Perfect for me because my oldest is potty trained and is old enough to help me out and do some things himself.
  • My boys are 16 months apart :) oldest is potty trained and such a big help around the house!
  • My 2 are a little over 28 months apart . It's great cause my son loves to help me take care of my daughter :)
  • My sister is 26 n I'm 25 my sister is 19 n my brother will b 18 January 9th...we r all fine n pretty close in age
  • My siblings r 23,22 n I'm 21 n we're fine. I want the same for my lil poopers bc we r so close n always have been I want them to have the same bond
  • We are waiting to try for number 3 when our youngest turns 9 months. Our oldest is almost 4. And that age gap I feel is way to much. My doctor said it takes about 6 months for our ab muscles to heal back. And a good spacing is between 18-24 months of age. That way you're still in baby mode but you've healed a bit. Its preference really. Just do what feels right ;)
  • We plan on waiting untill Kayla is about 2 or atleast potty trained
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