Who Believes in Reading To Their Children?

edited December 2011 in Parenting
Alright, I'm going to shamelessly put myself out here. I see a lot of you asking about what to get your kids for Christmas. How about books? Reading to your kids is a great way to bond, to introduce your little one to shapes, colors, and sentence structure. Start your babies out on the right foot. You can see a selection of great books at my website, www.myubam.com/N3681. (My son's favorite is Baby's First Touchy-Feely Book)

There are books for a ton of different ages, from 0 months, all the way up to your teenager. There are activity books, educational books, and every genre of fiction. At least take a look, maybe something will catch your eye.


  • I read to my LO, he's going on 8 weeks. I've been reading to him since he was in my belly:)
  • I have read to my oldest every night since he was about 2-3 months old. He's now 3. It's a part of his bedtime routine and we enjoy that time together.
  • I've read to my kids since the day we came home from the hospital. It's such a great way to bond and cuddle. My oldest is 22 months and her favorite toys are books!
  • i read to my 9 and 2 yr old, they love books as well!
  • Reading to your children is a GREAT thing to do for them. Very important. ;)
  • I read to my kids...but now they are old enough and read to themselves every night lol I look forward to reading to new LO...we borrow most our books from the library because I live right next to it butv I'll def check that website out
  • Thanks guys! Im so glad to hear that so many of you enjoy reading to your babies. I fully believe in beginng the education before school age.
  • Our daughter is now reading to us!! LOL... We have been reading to her since day 1.
  • I did feel a little bad today while reading to my son...we got to the point where the lion goes roar, so I roared...and he cried. Im like no no no! Its a nice lion!
  • edited December 2011
    Lmao!! Poor little guy.
  • I read to my son (now three) . In the beginning it was my psychology textbooks so I could study while bf-ing..but moved on to other books too. He still loves for me to read my textbooks to him though lol. I will read to my next son (due Feb 10) as well. I was raised without television so grew up with books! I still read more than I watch Netflix. (We don't have cable). My son likes to curl up with me under a.blanket and either have me read to him or read a book while I read mine :)
  • I read to my kids. My 7 month old loves it. My 11 yr old not as much anymore lol
  • My 2yo goes through stages, loves it for weeks then refuses to sit still lol so I just go with the flow. My 5 week old likes chilling with us when we are reading
  • I believe in reading to your baby. My son is 3 months old now and his daddy enjoys reading to him. I was shocked when he went out and bought these small, little baby books and said I'm going to start reading to my son. I felt so proud. We both want the best for our son and to start him off on the right foot. Reading is the way forward.
  • I love reading to my son.. Ive always enjoyed reading and I want him to be the same way. Knowledge is power :)
  • My mom always told me to read to my baby even when i was pregnant so that they will learn their words. i read to her every so often. she rather squirm and 'talk' through the whole thing lol
  • I read to ayva all the time. She gets read to at bed time and naptime and playtime lol. She's got quite the collection of books. Her favorite right now is the nigh before xmas idk y lol. But she giggles and talks the entire time reading it.
  • I read to my son he loves it
  • Love this! It's been part of my older sons bedtime routine since he was little and now Riley gets to listen too! Reading is so good for them, Leo is interested in all kinds of print now, his dad reads him the novel he is reading, he asks me to reads signs, leaflets etc it is great!
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