anyone give their babies water?

edited December 2011 in First time moms
So me and my fiance are sitting here talking and the question was brought up about what we're allowed to give our son water.....does anybody give their lo's water? I remember my mom used to give my younger brother and sister water, I forget what age !


  • About when we're allowed ** sorry
  • My daughters pediatrician told me 4mnths if I'm not mistaken, but he said 1 oz should be fine... u can always ask your babies Dr.
  • @15Nov_Babe When I took my son to his 2 month check up his Pediatrican said we can give him 2oz of water 2 or 3 times a wk. It does help when a baby becomes constipated so now my son loves water over his formula. I give him nursery water though, I'm afraid to give him tap water or bottled water.
  • My baby is 2 months n sometimes I give her nursery water wen she has hiccups or maybe just once a week but jus a lil sip or two.
  • edited December 2011
    My babies doctor said to give my baby water when he was about one month because he was constipated n we give him water when he have hiccups he is almost 3 months I really don't see the problem
  • My baby has been drinking water since 4 weeks now he drinks it up to two oz the doctor said it's recommended for him since he is gaining weight ok
  • My baby has been drinkin water since bout 2 week old her doctor said it was perfectly fine to have 1oz between feeds to help with constipation n if the water didnt work to dilute orange juice for her!
  • No water here. Breastmilk all the way
  • If your bf its not necessary. my daughter has only been given water once because she was having a growth spurt and feeding constantly and I was so sore I couldn't take it anymore. It made her poop while drinking and she then finally settled and went to sleep for 4 hours lol
  • Water won't harm anything my baby 2 months and only had a few sips though. Some drs concerns is, if u let baby drink a lot of water & they fill up on it they are missing out on nutrients from milk.
  • Fort Sanders gave me a bottle of water to give my son at 2days peditrican also suggests it to help w their skin and to keep their bowls on track! Just don't give too much cause they need the vitamins in formula for their little growing bodies more than anything :) be careful tho they tend to get strangled easy on water!!
  • A friend of mine told me tht she gave all (8) of her kids "a splash" of water after every feeding to help clean out there mouths. I wouldnt go that far but i did giv my LO an oz once wen i was BF to hold her over til some more milk came in. Jus be careful like says it doesnt have nutrients and theres such thing as water logging them. They can get too much water in there system and it can be fatal. Scared me into never doin it again. Damn google. Haha
  • Lmao @newmama16.....but thanks everyone. He's not completely breastfed. He gets a bottle mixed with both formula and breastmilk because my breastmilk storage is almost gone and I no longer pump. But I know a lot of people are saying 2 wks and stuff. But does anybody know about for preemie babies because my son is just 4 months and I know they say that they'll be off track as far as the milestones...
  • I was wondering this too. My step mom says my son can have water and juice now, but he is only 3 months and I read that your supposed to wait until they are 4 months. Idk though so Ill ask his pediatrician.
  • Yeah I knew 4-5 mos was around the time the big steps start to occur. But im def gonna ask my son's also
  • @15Nov_Babe my son was preemie-30 weeker. He was born Oct 27 2009 but his due date was Jan 3 2010. The neonatologists always said go by his actual due date for milestones even when introducing food :) i hope that helps
  • My sons Dr said no water till a year.
  • @bahamamama4828 yes that helps a whole lot! Literally if he was born on the correct date.... He would only be about 3 weeks. I gotta long way to go
  • edited December 2011
    I go by what my daughter tells me. I kno tht sounds crazy to "listen" to a 4 month old, but its true. Milestones are just an estimate of average babies. My LO was tlking and smiling by 3 months and being premie tht wouldve only made her 2 months. So...ya idk how to end this comment lol
  • No i def know what you mean by listening to your baby. But wow, shes a baby genius talking at literally 2 still waiting for mines to start babbling. @newmama16

    But I gave him about half an oz of water yesterday and he did exactly what everyone was saying he would do (poop ,burp)
  • I wish there was a way to add recordings on here like u can with pics, she jus goes on and on lol my mom actually taught her to say imma good girl. No lie! I hav a recording of her sayin it! She doesnt really do ne of the other stuff tho like rolling or scooting. :( but she'll get there soon im sure!
  • hahaha wow, that's too cute ! @newmama16 I bet that video is hilarious. I love baby talk
  • Iv gave my son a little water in a plastic cup just ti try and get him started for getting of the boob, and also whats nursery water @miaradavis I never heard of it?
  • @tashalou It's just the brand name of water for babies.
  • Yea I started to give my little girl water today, because she seems constipated to me, so I am only giving her an oz and she is 4 weeks old. The doctors told me I could give her 2-3 oz in between her feedings, but that seems like a lot to me, so I just stuck with 1oz
  • @britt21....yeah I gave my son 1 oz also and it seemed to help. He's 4 mons today
  • Glad it helped!
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