What would you do if....(update)
You just had a kid not even 4 months ago and you found out you were prego again? And you WEREN'T ttc....I haven't had a period in almost a month...there was a time when I didn't have insurance because I was switching so I couldn't take my bc and me and hubby had sex maybe 1 or 2 times. I took a hpt 2 weeks ago and it was neg...but still no period....what do you guys think?
And wow I thought that you couldnt get prego while breastfeeding? Guess we both were wrong lol
@pnsw524 I was thinking it probably was too soon. I plan to test sometime next week if I still don't get my period and seeing what the results say....and if it comes out positive I think I'll just about die. I wasn't trying to have another for at least 2 or 3 yrs