someone mentioned in a thread it was illegal to nurse in public in Washington but i live in oregon and its legal here and i always heard it was legal there too...that link says its legal it didnt sound right because the NW has the highest breastfeeding rates in the country
when I go back to work I have to pump in a bathroom.. &guess what I work at a DAYCARE withchildren 6w -5 year old and there is NO mothers room to pump not even a place to change a diaper
I know its incredible for a place for children wouldnt have a room for bf. I work for the marine corps & it just amazes me how little they support bf bcuz god forbid a soldier stays close to there child &bonds thru bf, nobody supports it. & our center is open from 6am-6pm and many of my infants stay from open to close sorry mini vent
@samantha I think it is sadly when I go back they are using my breaks exceot ill get an extra because of my pumping schedule but only to pum my lunch & 15 min will all b pumping idk when im gonna eat:/
it passed in 2009 its illegal to ticket a breast-feeding mother. Or one pumping in Washington state. I live in Washington as well. I don't mind pumping on my breaks but if I have to pump early they want to take my breaks. I'm sure its legal I'm just trying to increase my supply and if I'm engorged I would like to be able to pump and I'm worried my supply will decrease if I'm unable to pump when needed.
I live in washington too and I just looked up the law and it states it is legal to breast feed in ANY public place. I don't understand why a cop at the fair told you you couldn't @August22baby
That cop was prolly misinformed a lot of people still think its illegal. I had to look it up to make sure my employers would allow me to pump. I just wish every time I was engorged I was able too pump since its about every hour an a half. By the time 3 hours comes I'm in pain lol. Oh well.