Sleep question. I am losing my mind

So my lo will not sleep in his cradle.the minute he lays down he fusses until I either pick him up or he starts screaming. so I've been sleeping on the couch and my lo sleeps right next to me and doesn't have any problems. I have a swing that he loves to be in but it said not to let him sleep in it. I wanted to try and move it to the bedroom and let him sleep in there so that I can actually sleep next to my bf again. We haven't slept next to each other in three weeks. I'm just scared something might happen to my lo. I can't put him in the bed with us because bd sleeps too heavily and I'm afraid he would roll over him and I don't want him on the edge because bd pushes me off as it is, there is no room for little man to safely sleep there.


  • idk my mother in law said she let my bd sleep in a swing I also heard of others letting there lo sleep in a swing I just bought one idk if ill let her sleep in it yet or not (she has been doing the same thing(
  • My baby girl sleeps in her swing all the time
  • edited December 2011
    My son has been sleeping in his swing for a while now and I haven't had a problem! I strap him in so I know nothing can happen to him. The only thing that worries me is that he won't sleep when I have to start transitioning to his pack n play but I only put him in the swing at night and he sleeps fine during the day so I don't think I'll have a hugeee problem... Hopefully! Lol
  • My LO sleeps in his swing every night! Its the only way I can get him to sleep! He falls asleep in my arms while breastfeeding, then i transfer him to his swing and let it rock him the rest of the way to dream land!
  • Almost 3 months
  • Sounds like your LO really just likes to be near you, have you considered cosleeping? There are some great options that attach to your existing bed!
  • I was looking at them I just can't afford to buy anything right now I'm not getting paid while I'm off of work.
  • No he won't sleep anywhere but the bed which is why I've been sleeping on the couch but not being near each other is straining our relationship. @ta2edblondie
  • @angelmonkeymelody.. Spelled your name wrong at first
  • Omg my family is pissing me off.they just keep telling me to let him cry himself to sleep and not to touch him. I'm sorry but I'm not going to neglect my child and just let him exhaust himself crying
  • My son is 2 1/2 months... He slept in his pack n play til he was one month though. Since he has reflux really bad, at his one month check up the doctor told me to keep him upright for a half hour. I asked other ladies on here if they stayed up for a half hour after every feeding at night and they all said their LOs slept in their swing/bouncer/carseat. His swing sounded best so that is where he has slept ever since! :)
  • Like others said. Your baby is still "fresh". All he knows at this stage is you. He just wants to be close to mommy. Im sure he is worth you not sleeping in bed with your SO for a little while. He should understand that.
  • Please don't listen to people telling you to let him cry it out, I couldnt imagine letting a 2 week old do that. I know it's tough, ya'll are still learning about each other. Have you tried swaddling? I think has an article about the swing, and research letting baby sleep on tummy (I'm not saying to do it, just letting you know options) I've heard some moms on here who their lo's slept on tummy since day one, but please don't try it without reading how. good luck!
  • In the beginning (he sleeps with me now because its easier) I swaddled him laid him in bassinet right next to my bed played his white noise toy and got an app on my phone that plays a heart beat sound laid a used breast pad under his sheet by his head in bassinet so it was almost like he was back in my belly or right next to me. Gl it gets easier but I'm on week 7 and still get no sleep you just learn to adjust.
  • Mine is 6 weeks I have been doing it since 3 weeks
  • And I tryed a binky at that age because one night my lo would not sleep and I put the binky in and she was just fine lol
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  • I had my son sleeping with me too and then i transferred him to a bassinet next to me for his naps then the night. My mom kept me in a swing all night too. Its fine to have lo in it at night..
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  • My son sleeps better in his swing. I keep trying his bassinet but he constantly wakes up. I just have the swing right next to my bed so I can see and hear him. He sleeps there most of there night.
  • They have little beds you can put in the bed with you and bf. The bed is elevated high so baby can't be rolled on its 129.00 at babies r us. If you can't afford that by a changing mattress and put it I'm the bed it can work just the same
  • I put him in the swing last night and it seems our best option he was right next to my side if the bed and our bed is low on the ground so he was eye level. We all got sleep and I got some cuddle time with bd.
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