1 Preemie, hoping to carry to term *advice needed*

edited December 2011 in Premature Babies
My son was preemie and now im prego 4 months later. I really dont wanna go through that stress again. Anybody had a preemie and carried their other babies to term? What did you do differently the 2nd time around?


  • me!!! my first 35 weeks, 2nd 30 weeks, and 3rd 2 days over due! :) i went to the health food store got myself some cramp bark tincture you add to water, upped my protein and vitamin c intake through healthy foods and i had no issues what so ever. what was the reason you had baby so early? if you have an incompetent cervix then none of this will work. you will need a cerclage :)
  • What is cramp bark tincture? I got extremely dehydrated the week b4 I went into labor and my placenta ruptured. My cervix and everything was fine and normal
  • its a liquid herb in a little bottle with a dropper..the extra protein, water, and vit c helps keep your uterus strong..the cramp bark tincture calms your uterus and helps lessen the chance of contractions (it doesnt work for everyone though)
  • Hmm def will have to try that...how early did you start taking those drops? im only 6 wks right now. Is that too early?
  • i took them right away..caution, it causes heartburn bad lol i stopped when i was full term so 36-37 weeks is safe..your doc might have you do the progesterone shots though im not sure. i never did the shots
  • Ooh...i hate heartburn...lol well really I will do whatever it takes to keep this one cooking until at least 36 wks. So thank u for the help. I will def get looking for them
  • good luck! i understand how ya feel! i expected to have mine early again and that didnt happen :)
  • Thank u so much. I hope I will be just as lucky! :)
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