Night 2: omg I just wana break down!

edited December 2011 in Sleep
Idk what to do. This is the 2nd night shes been like this! I cant get her to sleep for nothing! I can tell shes sleepy but she wont sleep! Ive tryed EVERYTHING! The only that even gets her to close her eyes is to nurse her...but this doesnt work because after about 20 minutes she will pull of crying & not latch back on! I have to sit her up & burp her first. Then will latch back on..only for the process to have to be repeated! & thats if she even decides to latch back on! If not she just cries & cries! Its almost 4am! Im going insane! Im so frustrated I just want to cry!


  • It could be a growth spurt. Only thing that helped my daughter was a bath and baby massage with lotion for fussy babies and I put her in the bjorn baby carrier that's you strap on to yourself. Car rides may calm your lo down too. I know its frustrating, just know this time will pass.
  • when my lo like it i hold him really really tight and close with his head next to my heart and pat his bum
  • Maybe try a different feeding position. I feed laying half reclined and lay lo tummy to tummy but across me diagonally so from right boob to left hip, helps with the wind
  • Im there with ya. So stinkin tired its not even funny.
  • @Crisjoe maybe so but shes never been like this during a growth spurt & shes been fine all day until night time came.

    @tinka1326 ive tried the football hold..holding across my chest..laying down. Nothing helps. She just cries & cries.

    @samiuk I tryed that & she just kicks & screams even more!

    Idk what to do other than to just let her cry. Its been hours now!
  • @vtmamajuju ive now moved to the couch because bd has covered his head with the pillow (he has to work 2mrw..well 2day). Im so tired!
  • I'm in the same boat. My lo gets so angry at might and doesn't want to sleep. I've been back on the couch for this being the third night ( was previously on the couchbecause baby won't sleep in his cradle).i just bottle feed a couple hours before bed then let him nurse and basically have to force his head to stay on or else he lets go and screams bloody murder. And I nurse him laying down on the couch so he's relaxed. Also walk baby around the house over your shoulder and talk to her. Sounds like she may have colic. :/ good luck dear
  • This may sound harsh but if iv done everything in power to try and help him and he still cries then I pop him on the sofa or somewhere safe and let him cry. If he gets to bad ill try my pip routine again, (nursing, checking bum, winding etc) then ill leave him to cry again. It worked for me but Its hard to hear them :(
  • Sounds like colic hun x
  • Colic calm get some it does wonders
  • @tashalou..thats what I had to do. I held her tho & just let her cry. I feel so bad but I didnt know what else to do. She finally wore herself out after about 10 more minutes. I feel like I failed.
  • @littlenat86 I sure hope not. I hope she was just having a couple bad nights. I guess we will see tonight. Im starting to dread bedtime.
  • edited December 2011
    @junebuggbabie85 she finally fell out around 5:30am. Poor thing is soo tired now. She woke up little while ago & was hungry. I nursed her & she fell back asleep after about 5 minutes of nursing.

    If its it something I did? Or could I have prevented it? I feel so bad.
  • My daughter was like that for 2 days. The only thing that worked for me was colic calm. You can get more info online. Its all natural.
  • No its nothing you did & I don't think its preventable. I had colic when I was little(so I am told lol) if I remember right my mom said something about the intestines not fully matured yet & causing gas, which made me uncomfortable, which in turn made me crabby. I have heard gripe water & sugar water work too.
  • Not your fault hun. My girl went thru a stage like that. Wed have to take her for car rides every night to get her to fall asleep, and even then, sometimes when we moved her, shed wake up screaming.
    Try keeping her more active during the day, and maybe try cutting caffeine from your diet. That's what worked for us. It stopped after 1.5-2 weeks..
  • I heard that if they sleep too much during the day or don't sleep enough during the day they can have problems sleeping at night from either being overtired or not tired enough. Monitoring their sleep and keeping a sleep schedule can help with that. Hope you get some relief, I couldn't imagine going through that! I also agree with it possibly being colic...
  • She could have an ear infection? If she cries a lot when she's on her side
  • Definitely not anything you did or could have prevented unfortunately it's just something babies get. Definitely get some gripe water and try taking her for a carride or just put her in her stroller and push her around the house if you can't get to a car. Don't let her sleep too long today try and keep her up as much as possible so she will be tired at night and try and take a nap yourself the more stressed you get the more fussy and anxious she will be. Hugs hun. I'm going through the same thing and it's soo very hard but we will make it.
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  • Ah hun it isn't anything you did. How did this night go?
  • @littlenat86 ok the beginning of the day she was still pretty fussy. She wouldnt even sleep more than 15 mins at a time(she normally naps about 2 hours). Around 10pm she finally started acting better & fell asleep around 10:30pm. She woke up once..well she didnt really wake up but she started moving around so I nursed her so she wouldnt get hungry. Its 2:30am & shes still sleep! I think my poor baby tired herself out between last night & today. Hopefully she will stay asleep..or at least not be fussy if she wakes up. Im hoping she was just really gassy because I hate for it to be colic.
  • I was told wat we eat they get from r milk which well give them gas but idk & also if ur frustrated the baby knows so relaxe
  • Ah brilliant, sounds much better! Yeah, hopefully she just had a bad couple of days. Colic is awful! Hope you have managed to get some sleep (*)
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