Y breastfed babies get constipated?
My baby is only breastfed but recently has not been poopon. he didn't poop for two days then he went sunday cuz I gave him juice an now he hasn't gone since an this is wednesday. Watis causin his constipation? Is it somethin I'm eatin?
He's been having problems for the past few weeks w.digestion. he cries so hard when he has gas and back when he used to poop. I watched my diet, we do bicycle legs, I massage his tummy and do gas drops, but he still really cries when he has gas. N when he reeeeeeally cries we give him gripe water. This is on top of zantac. I feel so bad cuz i feel like I'm pumping him w.drugs n nothing really helps. Then when he stopped pooping, I worried that it was making it worse. @bahamamama4828