I can't effing take it anymore

edited December 2011 in Breastfeeding
I'm just so tired of fighting with him to get him to stay latched on.it's like he will go a couple days with no problems then suddenly out of the blue he forgets how ti stay latched. He will latch then pull off screaming and then it's like a ten minute battle repeated latch un latch scream latch un latch scream and we both end up angry and covered in milk. I just want to cry because I get so mad at him and he's just three and a half weeks. I want to stop breast feeding or just pump exclusively but I get guilted into continuing by my mom and I don't seem to pump enough when I try pumping.I'm going back to work on jan 3 and I don't know that I'll survive if this continues. Ok vent over


  • Awe if you want to exclusively pump then do it, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You know whats best for him and if he doesn't latch, pumping is the next best thing. As for not getting enough...you can always try pumping in between feedings & still pump even if nothing is coming out. Good luck & keep up the good work momma!:-)
  • My daughter is almost and still has days like that. Few tips I find help a little, change your position to one where your lo is more upright, helps reduce wind, use wind drops before feeding, try to feed before lo gets tired, our worst days are when she is tired and hungry at the same time. Regardless of anyone and anything do whats right for you. I dont like bf but im a stay at home mum so I keep at it, but if my situation were different I would pump and or formula feed without guilt
  • Don't let anyone make you feel bad. You have to find what works for both of you.
  • My sons both had problems latching and I ended up using a nipple shield for both of them at first. The lactation consultant said it touches a spot in the back of their mouth that makes them want to keep sucking, while your nipple is short and doesn't. My first son nursed for 18 months and weaned himself off it at 4 months and my second son is still ebf at 6 months and weaned himself off the nipple shield at 5 months. It's never hurt my supply and its kept me nursing when I was sooo frustrated. Idk if youve tried it but if not maybe it'd be worth a shot :)
  • My son wouldn't latch at first, he still isn't great at it, but over time he has gotten better. He's 10 weeks and we just recently stopped using the nipple shield.
  • I would have the problems when I was engorged my lo would pull off because the flow was to strong at the start. ;;)
  • It sounds like he's going through a growth spurt. My daughter is 8 wks and we went through the same thing. Most say the first week is the worst, but honestly the whole first month is rough. Just be patient. I promise it gets better.
  • Yes it does get better. Don't let anyone guilt you into bfing or not bfing. You have to be happy and healthy for your bub, so do what you feel is best for you and him. My son wouldn't latch on well after I left the hospital so I pumped. Then my supply dropped so I called an LC for help. He's been on the boob without a nipple shield for 2 months. He used a nipple shield from birth til 4 weeks old when I just kept at it without the shield. Thank goodness I had help from my mom & fiance with him bc I would've given up even though I wanted to bf so bad. It feels like bfing takes 6 hands at first (and it quite literally did for me) til I got the hang of it. It gets better :-)
  • It could be a growth spurt...
  • Could be a growth spurt, they normally occur at 3 wks. Or you lo could have a bad latch and you can try the nipple sheilds if you do just make sure you keep pumping at least once a day to keep supply going! Or they could just be still getting the hang of it remember you are both new at this and both need practice. Or it could be a flow problem he's either impatiant for let down or your flow is too strong which if you milk gets everywhere then that's probably the problem. Try to lean back when nursing or walking around that may help. Breastfeeding is hard as you see one problem can have so many different sources and its difficult to figure out. At the end of the day you have to do what works for you, a happy mom = a happy baby. Do not let anyone make you feel bad if you quit breastfeeding they aren't in your shoes. Good luck and I hope you can work things out. You could try la leche league for support, I've found thag having my hubby support me gets me through the rough patches.
  • I have a nipple shield I just have no idea how to use it the instructions are confusing. @diverwfe I wish my bf would help/support me but we are
  • Falling apart faster than a mud pie in an arizona summer
  • Maybe a friend or your mom any support will help. What kind of nipple shields do you have the ones I had were medela and you just placed over your nipple and latched lo.
  • I have the medela one it says I have to like fold it in half and put it on or something like that. And I don't really have any friends my ex fiance made sure if that and I've been leaning so hard on my mom I feel bad to keeo asking for help @diverwfe
  • YouTube it lol its really easy once you understand
  • Dont ever EVER let anyone make you feel guilty. As mothers, we do what we have to, and if you have to fight him and get frustrated to feed him, its not the calming, bonding experience that it should be. Do what you have to do mama! Even if you exclusively pump for a bit, your baby is still getting the liquid awesomeness and you can focus on loving your baby.
  • You just kinda stretch it out over the nip. I never folded mine in half. But youtube has everything I'm sure they've got that...@junebuggbabie85
  • Thank you ladies
  • you should do what you think is best :) cant fight mothers instinct..my lo has just started doing that as well being all wiggly & unlatching and latching & fussing & then doing mzrathon feedings it may be a growth spurt or gas or them just being wiggly all I know is my nipples are getting sore from all the latcjing and unlatching so I feel your pain. try call the hospital lc maybe she has a good answer
  • I never did any of that folding stuff. I just set it on top of the nipple and let baby nurse lol. It worked just fine!
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