

  • @MedStudent1986 i remember your post under your old name and know you are knowledgeable as well :) so thought id tag you and @ashleyfew just because a lot of other mamas have not been told this before
  • edited December 2011
    I like this. I read it. But I have a question. Elizabeth is eatting baby food here and there not every day but can I give her some baby water but just to rinse her mouth cause her mouth just smells after and she wants to nurse right after and it just feels gross on my nipple. Shes 6 months btw
  • Yes thats fine :) or a wet rag works too. Cleaning the mouth prevents tooth decay even if you don't brush baby's teeth. NM helps prevent it too just not food ofcourse :)
  • Lol I tried a wet rag she gets mad and bites my finger. She has 2 bottom teeth. She doesnt even like it when I wipe her face smh. I hope she out grows that cause im going to have a messy toddler
  • I give my son water everyday my doctor said it's okay
  • Yea mater isn't recommended for infants. The kidneys can't filter it fast enough which causes an accumulation of water. Sometimes not all drs have the best advice in reality. Drs base their practice on their own personal views about each and every medical subject, instead of going textbook. I've seen lots and lots and lots of sad sad cases when drs think they know what they're doing and the babies end up paying for it. Do your research ladies before giving baby water. Especially everyday, that's dangerous and unnecessary.
    I wasn't on yesterday, but merry Christmas and happy new year ladies!!!! Xoxo
  • My Dr said no water till he is 1 because of the sodium and said it also (some scientific explanation that breaks down to this) causes his cells to expand in his body and swell making his little body unable to function properly. He said it would be like taking his cells (and organs) injecting them with water and watching them expand it makes them incapable of doing their job. And he said water will give your baby a full feeling and there are no nutrients when a baby is hungry they need everything they get from bm and formula and even get hydrated through those as well as all the nutrients they need. He said water given to infants increased the risk of sids. Modern day research, 15 years ago water was encouraged so don't listen to anyone that says oh I gave my kid water blah blah because now with all the technology and advanced studies its recommended not too. Courtesy of my childed Dr. I asked because my sons grandmother thought it was ok to give him water and so I brought her to a Dr apt with me so he could tell her no and he gave us this explanation lol.
  • @Samantha your Dr is absolutely right!
  • My Dr said only 2oz a day at most but only if she is having trouble Pooping. Otherwise it is not recommended
  • ^^^agreed! This posting even came from hospital..:)
  • My Dr said pooping is ok as a last result always start with less then a half oz of warm water. If a half oz-1oz doesn't help he/she may need to go to the Dr to help poop anyways. And he said he recommends the thermometer trick before hand because it helps stimulate rather then fill baby with a hazard. But not to always do things to help baby poop because they need to learn to use their muscles and body to help poop or they will rely on the water or the stimulate to poop. Also he said the effect of water intoxication is that similar to the body drowning. Even adults can "drown" from drinking to much water. Its just easier for a baby.
  • Lol who is your doc and where do u live, I would've happy for more of them like yours around here lol. But my kids never see a doc unless its an emergency lol
  • I also did a ton of research on this matter because I had family and friends that were so adamant about using water I felt the need to have facts to support me so they understood and I could.kick their ass if they gave my baby water lol.
  • Actually its my boyfriends family Dr and to be honest he is a pardon my French an asshole. The only reason my son still sees him is because he knows what he is doing. After this topic and when my son had jaundice people were pushing me to formula feed not thinking my son was getting enough to eat and this being my first I had no clue. He told me continue to breast-feed him it will clear his jaundice faster then formula and help his body get rid of it. If I formula feed later fine but if I can breast feed now do it if I supplement with formula as well fine but breast feed! So his knowledge is why I stay. I also worked as a medical assistant at a pediatric clinic. And I live in Washington state. Its different from working with kids though and having your own. Like everything I know about kids went right out the window and I'm starting from scratch lol. I re-research everything I thought I knew lol.
  • Wow. I'm Oregon so I'm not far from u. :)
  • Ooooo what part of Oregon? I used to live in seaside area. Where I went to college. :) love the coast.
  • I give my ten week old an once of prune juice everyday is that bad?
  • I personally wouldn't unless Dr said to for digestive issues simply because their stomachs are sensitive and prune juice acts as a laxative as well and babies need to learn to poop without the help of aids. But that's my opinion. Is there a reason your lo is getting prune juice? Are you diluting it?
  • @Samantha I put it in his bottle. He's been having solid stools. The doctor said to, but she didn't say how long or when to stop.
  • Wow @medstudent1986

    How very kind of a nursing student to confirm the advice of someone who has actually been accepted to, and completed medical school. 8-|
  • @jess510 personally I would slowly stop with the juice. If you have been doing it for a little while it might upset lo's system to just stop. I got into a similar pattern and it can lead to lo body not being able to poop without it. This is just my option and experience..
    @the_truth ... That was kinda harsh...
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