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edited December 2011 in Getting pregnant
This isn't about anyone specifically, just my two cents. I don't get why ppl purposely get pregnant RIGHT after having a baby. Don't they realize the stress your body JUST went through carrying then delivering LIFE? Dr's recommend giving your body at least a year's break for a REASON. Not to mention the weight gain.. took you 10 long months to put on those pounds. I'd wanna get back to a healthy weight, exercise routine, etc and take care of myself before even thinking about another baby. Then top it off.. double the diapers, food, LACK OF SLEEP, etc. Babies are great. But I'd never choose to do it back to back. How does baby fever exist when you just had a baby? That shit cray.

End Rant... as you were :D


  • Some of these women had trouble conceiving so I dont blame them for being nervous it won't happen again. :) more power to them I say
  • I'll also add this..your body is depleted of folic acid for awhile after you give birth. So if your gonna let your man not pull out for the love of jesus please keep taking your prenatals. Avoid neural tube defects.
  • Ain't no thang but a chicken Wang!
  • I want a chicken wang in my 'stang while I sang bring on the rain!! (I JUST made that up... oh yeah ..) @devinedesign
  • Some ladies want to have their children close in age, others didn't plan to get pregnant again so quickly. It's their choice as to how they build their family. No need to rant over how others choose to live their lives...
  • Their life, their choices. If I had the money and was out of school already, I'd possibly do it :) I miss being pregnant and I love my baby. I can't wait till about 4 years from now when I can have another :)
  • I think I am allowed to rant about what I please :) thanks anyways
  • Like I had stated.. I was referring to purposeful conception. Not accidental. I said what I wanted so I won't be responding anymore. Have a good one!
  • My first two we're 13 months apart, both very healthy and I wouldn't have them any other way :) I had no problem getting the weight off, gained 35lbs with both.

    It isn't for everyone, but I took good care of myself and had extremely easy babies. Nursed them both for the 10 months+.
    My 3rd is about 9 years younger and wow! Not as easy on my body:)
  • I never said you couldn't. I just don't see why so many people are concerned by how others live their lives. Their choices have no affect on you whatsoever, so why give a sh*t?
  • "No need to rant" implies I shouldn't have said what I did. Ppl rant about shit all the time that has no effect on them. So what?
  • I never said u "couldn't" rant. My point is I don't understand why you feel the need to be concerned with something that has absolutely nothing to do with you. If you want to waste your time doing that, then by all means continue to do so.
  • I could say the same about you being so concerned with what IM concerned with, couldn't I?
  • Well my daughter died at 2 days I gained 22 lbs and 10 weeks later after a c section delivery #2 I am back at my pre pregnancy weight so who are you to judge other peoples life and decision makings?
  • I agree with yours truly but just my personal preference because I don't want any more kids. I just feel that it deprives the other child of the love and attention they deserve when first born. And one newborn is a handful for me I couldn't do it while pregnant, but I had a hard pregnancy. Just my opinion not trying to offend anyone.
  • edited December 2011
    I don't give a sh*t what you're concerned with. You're some random person on the internet who can do or think whatever u please because it doesn't affect me in the slightest. Which has been my point all along. Like I said waste your time any way you like. I'm done bf my daughter and have no more time to waste on you. Toodles :D
  • @Junebuggbabie85 I agree with everything you said but it's my opinion lol
  • @ripkaydence like I said wasn't talking about anyone in particular. No one has to agree nor comment if they have a problem with it.
  • @yourstruly so why comment and hurt people's feelings bc you had to "rant" I think it was insensitive and kinda rude to call "y'all" crazy bc my daughter died and I'm ready for another after grieving seriously dont talk about what you dont know.
  • I kinda agree but don't. I agree because you put your second child at so many new risk if you don't give your body time to heal. My dr said it takes about two years to fully heal from a pregnancy, whether its external or internal. Also kids born between the 2 years from the previous have a way higher chance of autism. BUT I cannot judge a women that chooses this because everyone has their reason. To each their own.
  • What's insensitive and rude about my opinion on this? @ripkaydence

    @august22baby maybe next time I should exclude exceptions. It was a general statement. I never said anything about ppl who lost a child, had a hard time ttc, etc. I hadbe in mind ppl who had uncomplicated pregnancies, no losses, no infertility treatments etc. I think some take lightly the process of pregnancy/delivery lightly when they should do themselves a solid and wait.
  • @august22baby my feelings don't get hurt over the internet. Wasn't my intentions to hurt feelings either.
  • I don't know what's going on with pregly lately. Everyone can state what they feel, others don't have to agree or comment on every topic and make arguing their goal. Let's keep this positive people, we can all learn from eachother. @yourstruly
  • I believe the issue at hand is that within your first 3 words you are downing mothers by calling them crazy. Then from there you continue to complain. Now you say it wasn't intended for women who have lost or women who have had hard times conceiving, but in all reality you're complaining about the effects it has on womens bodies & possibly the babies they are trying to concieve, SO you are really talking about ANY woman who has tried to concieve after giving birth in any circumstance. What does it matter to you anyways? This is a ttc, pregnancy & parenting forum, rant about your own problems, not what other women on this forum choose to do because you're going to stir up a bunch of negativity. This place is meant to help eachother out, so if you have nothing nice to say about what women who do this, then don't say anything at all. It could really be much worse, what about moms who smoke crack during their pregnancy? I'd worry more about that.
  • edited December 2011
    @momma_tiffay that was wayyyy too long so I didn't read it all. However there's always something worse.. poverty, drugs, homelessness, starving children. The list goes on.. and I didn't mean "crazy" as antagonizing. So since ppl are offended by the title I will change it. Thanks :)
  • It really wasn't very long at all, & if you would read it maybe you'd understand why people are freaking out. I'm glad that you are changing the title, & there is definitely worse things, but there's more to my post than that.
  • @yourstruly that was the insensitive abs rude part...calling women crazy.
  • edited December 2011
    Ppl can and will freak out. I see it on many posts. Ppl judge others all the time when their life is not effected by the others life choices. I've seen a person be ripped apart because they admitted to having a threesome. That girl who chose to abort her kid. Can't say i'm the only person who has an opinion on things that don't pertain to me. My opinion doesn't change anything I just felt like saying it so I did.
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