Rice cereal

When did you ladies first give cereal to your lo? I'm wanting to start soon but baby is only a month old.


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  • Yup and most cases cereal isn't needed :)
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  • Dio you ladies know of any websites or links with information on feeding? I'm going back to work and don't want to go to formula but it's going to be very hard to pump once I go back @bahamamama4828 @homebirthadvocate @ashleyfew
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  • @Tricesbaby posted one and i posted a few
  • @homebirthadvocate isn't that the baby led weaning? I read about that one but i would never survive that. @bahamamama illl have to look for your posts
  • i started my girl on rice cereal at 4 months (i got the rice cereal packet that says 4+ months on it)
  • 4-6 months besides my oldest...she had reflux and was on reglan and zantac...so they told me to put rice in every bottle. It helped a lot
  • My son was only put on cereal for help with his reflux also....at 4 months
  • My son does have really bad reflux and he's on a liquid antacid I will have my mom talk to the pedi when she takes him for his two month. @cristinalynn @augustbaby
  • It helped my son a lot he is on zantac also. A lot of people are against cereal but I started it for that reason only and it does help him. Dr just told me also that reflux peeks at 4-6 months and usually flares up while teething...just fyi.
  • i would wait until 4 months
  • My lo's Dr suggested I add it to his bottles for reflux. He's only 10 weeks, so I don't know if I'm ready. I did last night and he loved it, but its so early. I think I want to look into other things first.
  • i started my son on rice cereal in his bottle when he turned 2 months but only because he has acid reflux so his Dr. told me the cereal would soak up some of the acid.
  • @sands3 it's totally ok! My son loves it too. I think he gets fuller from it and goes longer periods in between bottles. I don't think it has helped with the reflux thou
  • My dr still says no to rice cereal he just had his two month checkup. The reasons for not doing it were it causes obesity but they are telling me my lo is in the 2nd percentile of weight. Meaning they ain't think he weighs enough but geeze he's 9 1/2 pounds and was only 6 12 when born.i hate doctors they are making me feel like I'm starving my son but he eats 4-5 ounces every three hours.
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