Possible Thrush
So my lo is almost 4 wks old. My right boob is so sore and my nipple is red and it's painful to bf. It's a stingy burning feeling. And I was told it could be a yeast infection on the nipple and my lo could have thrush and to look for white patches in her mouth. I don't know what I'm really suppose to look for. She does have white spots in her gums. Most of her gums are pink colored. And her tongue is white I tried wiping it with my finger to see if the white came off and it doesn't. She has been so cranky today. Been crying like crazy and usually she only takes 30 mind tops to eat. Today she has been taking over an he to eat. And she keeps not latching and shaking her head.. What can I do until we can go to the doctor???
Addi call her pedi. They will give you meds. Then just make sure you boil her pacifiers and nipples. Basically what everyone else told you.